How to Sell Audiobooks and Podcasts from Your Own Website

If you already have a website and you want to sell audiobooks or a premium podcast from your website, this article will tell you how. 

The process is actually very easy. You can accomplish selling audio from your own website by creating a “Buy” button on your own site and hyperlinking the checkout page of your audio program on Soundwise to the Buy button.

After your listeners are directed to the checkout page of your audio and make a payment, we’ll handle the payment processing of your audiobooks or podcasts and deliver your audio to your listeners’ mobile devices.

Step 1:

Click on your (published) soundcast’s “Checkout page” on your Dashboard

Soundwise dashboard showing Checkout page link with cursor

Step 2:

Copy your Checkout page URL from the new tab/window that opens.

The URL should look something like this:

example Soundwise Checkout page URL

Step 3:

Add a button to the sales page on your website, and link the button to your Checkout page by pasting the URL into the designated URL field on your website builder. Here are the specific instructions to do so:

...if you use Wordpress.

...if you use Wix.

...if you use Squarespace.


  1. Click the plus Wordpress plus icon to create new block icon to create a new block. 
  2. Select Buttons Wordpress buttons icon from the block options.

    Wordpress block options with buttons icon emphasized

  3. Type your text (example: “Buy”, “Sign up”, “Checkout”, etc.).
  4. Click the button to select the link Wordpress link icon icon.
  5. Paste the Checkout page URL you copied earlier.

pasting Soundwise Checkout page URL into Wordpress button field


  • Go to Add Elements in your Editor:
    • Wix Editor: Click Add Wix Editor Add icon on the left side of the Editor.
    • Editor X: Click Add Elements Wix Editor X Add Elements iconat the top bar of Editor X.
  • Click Button and drag a button onto your page. 
  • Click the button and select the Link Wix link icon icon.
  • Select Web Address, and paste the Checkout page URL you copied earlier.

Wix editor selecting web address option and pasting Soundwise Checkout page URL into field.

  • Select whether you’d like the Checkout page to open in a new window or in the current window.
  • Click Done.


  1. Click an insert point, and select Button Squarespace button icon  from the menu.
  2. Type your text (Example: “Buy”, “Sign up”, “Checkout”, etc.) for the button label in the Text field.
  3. In the Clickthrough URL field, paste the Checkout page URL from earlier.

    pasting Soundwise Checkout page URL into Squarespace button field

  4. Click Apply.
