Publisher FAQs

Securely and conveniently sell and deliver your audio courses, audiobooks, and premium podcasts to your audience's phones, with the ease of use that makes your listeners come back for more.

Soundwise provides hassle-free access to your audios for your listeners, who no longer need to organize or transfer files to different devices. Your content are right at your listeners’ fingertips on both mobile devices and web. Listeners can buy more audios from you directly from their phone as they’re listening to you. It increases listener retention and sales per listener, delivers a better user experience, and makes you look professional. Soundwise is also a highly secure way to deliver your audios, preventing unauthorized file copy and transfer, and gives you complete control of your content.

First, you upload your audios (and supplementary materials in PDF and text, if you have any) to your soundwise dashboard. Each audio program has their own landing page on the web, where you can direct listeners to make purchases. Once a listener signs up, they’ll be instructed to either download the Soundwise mobile app or listen through the web interface. When the listener logs in on the mobile app, the audios they purchased will automatically load. They can stream the audios or download them within the app for off-line listening on the go. Simple, right?

A soundcast is a collection of audio tracks and supplementary materials. It’s the basic selling unit of your content. You can think of a soundcast as an album, an audio course, an audio book, a podcast. The audios on Soundwise are all organized by soundcast. A soundcast contains at least one audio track (episode).

A bundle is a collection of soundcasts. You can sell your listeners a bundle as well as individual soundcasts in the bundle. There’re different use cases for a bundle. For example, you can create a bundle and price it at a discount relative to the total price of the individual soundcasts included, as a promotional package. You can also add all your soundcasts to the bundle and charge subscription fees for your entire audio library.

Yes. Whenever you upload new audios to a soundcast, the new content will be automatically loaded into the devices of the listeners who have signed up for the soundcast. Your listeners will also receive push notifications about the publication of new materials. In addition, you can choose to notify listeners by email when publishing a new track.

Absolutely. After you upload and publish at least one audio track to a soundcast, you can go to the editing page of the soundcast and turn on the “create a podcast feed” option. You can opt to either let us submit your podcast feed to Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and Spotify, or you can submit the feed yourself, to any podcast aggregators you want.

After you create a soundcast, look for the “landing page” and “checkout form” link on the dashboard where your soundcast is listed. You can link to your soundcast’s landing page from your website or social media. If you already have a soundcast page set up on your own website, you can link to your soundcast’s checkout form, where listeners can enter their credit card information, create a Soundwise account, and make purchase. You also have a publisher page, where all your soundcasts are listed. You can direct potential customers to your publisher page also.

You definitely can. The soundwise apps are available in Apple App Store and Google Play Store worldwide. In addition, you can set the pricing of your soundcast in any of the top 25 global currencies. If your sales are in a currency different from the currency of your bank account, your sales proceeds will be converted before being deposited into your bank.

We don’t. Soundwise is a mobile-focused, all-inclusive platform for selling and delivering your self-published audio programs. Audios on Soundwise are delivered through our web and mobile apps. We do not sell your audios through any third parties. But if you publish a free podcast on Soundwise, we can submit your podcast feed to the main podcast aggregators including Google and Apple podcasts, and Spotify.

Absolutely. You can create a “bundle” that includes multiple soundcasts and charge a subscription fee on the bundle. For details on how to create a bundle, please refer to this help doc.

Before you set up your soundcasts for sale, please first connect your Stripe account under the Publisher tab on your dashboard. (If you don’t have a Stripe account, follow the page instructions to create one. It takes 5 minutes!) Your soundcast sales will be delivered to your bank account through Stripe.

Absolutely. You can process payments on your own site and then give your listeners a signup link to access the program through us. For more details, please refer to this help doc.

Absolutely. Simply create a new soundcast that includes the only promotional audio tracks, and set the soundcast as public and free. When listeners sign up for your free soundcast, you’ll get their name and email. And when they listen to your free soundcast on the mobile app, they’ll be able to see your paid soundcast(s) on the app as well, and directly purchase from their phone.

Yes. You can set up track dripping, i.e. scheduled release of your tracks to individual listeners. This feature is available on the PRO plan and above.

Anybody who has the Soundwise app installed can search and find your soundcast on the app. However, we do not proactively present other publishers’ content to your listeners, and vice versa. We aim to provide an exclusive environment for your listener community, and allow your listeners to enjoy your content with minimum distraction. We do showcase your other soundcasts on the app to the listeners who have already signed up for one or more of your own soundcasts, which help increase the lifetime value per customer for your business.

The soundcast landing page template on Soundwise is optimized to present your content to potential listeners in the best light. Here’s an example landing page. But you can also create a landing page on your own website, and link to your soundcast’s checkout form on Soundwise, where your listeners will be guided to make the purchase, create an account, and receive the audios. Here’s an example of a checkout form. You can find the url link of your soundcast’s checkout form on your dashboard.

Currently, we’re integrated with the following:

1. MailChimp, which allows you to automatically export your soundcast subscriber contacts to one of your email lists in MailChimp. 2. Zapier, which allows you to automate things by setting triggers and actions. You can view a list of available triggers and actions by going here.

Note: Zapier Integration is only available on the Pro Plan.

Of course. You can switch to another plan anytime by going to Publisher—>Settings on your dashboard. Your payment will be prorated to account for existing usage under the original plan during the current billing period.

Absolutely. Please first direct your listeners to the troubleshooting page for common problems. If they cannot find an answer there, please ask them to directly email us at

Only listeners who have signed up for your soundcast will see it on the app under their account. If you want to see your soundcast on the app, invite yourself to your soundcast first. Simply click on the “invite” button on your dashboard where the soundcast is listed, and enter your account email address. You should see the soundcast pop up in your soundcast library momentarily.

You can invite them by email. Simply click on the “invite” button on your dashboard where the soundcast is listed, and enter their email address. Whoever has an invitation from you will receive your soundcast in their library once they sign up for an account on the Soundwise app using the email address you sent the invitation to.

You can give the person the signup form link of your soundcast. They can then register for your soundcast bypassing the payment process. You can find the signup form link of your soundcast on the dashboard where the soundcast is listed.