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Intelligent Body
Intelligent Body
Intelligent Body Movement improves coordination, posture, dexterity, and suppleness. You can alleviate your pain by minimizing physiological and psychological stress associated with restricted movement habits.
The Intelligent Body® Movement Program: TMJ Program
USD 19.00
The Intelligent Body® Movement Program- Activating the Abdominal Flexors
USD 9.00
The Intelligent Body® Movement Program- Activating the Back Extensors
USD 9.00
The Intelligent Body® Movement Program- Arm Reach and Roll
USD 9.00
The Intelligent Body® Movement Program- Freeing the Hip Joints
USD 9.00
The Intelligent Body® Movement Program- Rolling onto the Side
USD 9.00
The Intelligent Body® Movement Program- Lengthening the Hamstrings
USD 9.00
The Intelligent Body® Movement Program- From Crawling to Sitting and Lying
USD 9.00
The Intelligent Body® Movement Program- The Ultimate Pelvic Clock
USD 9.00
The Intelligent Body® Movement Program- Awakening Feet, Toes, and Fingers
USD 9.00
The Intelligent Body® Movement Program- Shoulder and Arm Circles
USD 9.00
The Intelligent Body® Movement Program- Activating Your Muscular Imagination
USD 9.00
The Intelligent Body® Movement Program- Sitting to Standing Easily
USD 9.00
The Intelligent Body® Movement Program- Freeing Your Spine Vertebra By Vertebra
USD 9.00
The Intelligent Body® Movement Program- The Magic Spinal Twist
USD 9.00
The Intelligent Body® Movement Program- Breathing With Ease And Power
USD 9.00
The Intelligent Body® Movement Program- Lengthening the Sides- Experiencing Yourself in 3D
USD 9.00
The Intelligent Body® Movement Program- Baby Alligator
USD 9.00
The Intelligent Body® Movement Program- Sitting And Standing With Comfort
USD 9.00
The Intelligent Body® Movement Program- Discovering Feet and Ankles
USD 9.00
The Intelligent Body® Movement Program- Hands to Feet While Rolling
USD 9.00
The Intelligent Body® Movement Program- Rolling A Ball Over The Body- Refining Your Self-Image
USD 9.00
The Intelligent Body® Movement Program- Leg Tilt Side to Side
USD 9.00
The Intelligent Body® Movement Program- Rolling LIke a Baby
USD 9.00
The Intelligent Body® Movement Program- The Joy of Walking
USD 9.00
The Intelligent Body® Movement Program Volume 1
USD 84.00
The Intelligent Body® Movement Program Volume 2
USD 84.00
The Intelligent Body® Movement Program Volumes 1 & 2
USD 168.00