The Reiki Rituals - Release

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Release - this short audio (approx 10 mins long) is a Reiki focused self care guided journey you can follow to help clear negative chords and trauma bonds from the energy. The Reiki Rituals are a great way to start or end your day.


This is a 11 minute guided journey audio to help with your Reiki self treatments. Often we neglect our own self care with Reiki and once we are attuned the focus is usually on helping others. 

Negative chords and trauma bonds are energy connections between us and others, created from our interactions with them. They connect via our "psychic wounds" within the auric field. These wounds are from past lessons (they can be from this life, previous lives or both) which have left within our energies an imprint which needs further healing. 

Often these imprints cause us to seemingly "over-react" to situations and events, however they are really little love notes from our Higher Self to remind us we have a little more healing to do to release the imprint. 

This guided journey meditation can help with the process. Its a good idea to listen more than once when trying to clear these imprints, especially if you feel you have been carrying them a long time. 

Traditionally when Reiki is taught with the recommendation to students is to carry out 45/50 minute self care treatments, which when you live a busy demanding fast paced life can seem out of reach and as a result we can end up not doing self treatment at all. 

The Reiki Rituals are a series of short audios (approx 10-12 minutes) each having a different focus. The idea is to help you easily integrate a Reiki self care routine into your day. You simply press play and follow along. 

Reiki Ritual Series

A guided journey meditation for your Reiki self care treatments


Sarah Blocksidge
Sarah has worked in the mindfulness industry for over 30 years, and has an incredible amount of experience in helping people to relax and heal. She has been attuned to Reiki since 1999 and became a Reiki Master in 2005 and has taught Reiki regularly since then.

With practitioner qualifications in Emotional Freedom Technique, Yoga, Therapeutic Massage, Reflexology & Spiritual Healing she has a wealth of knowledge in complementary modalities and from this she has created the SEPH Method, which is now an accredited practitioner course. It brings together tools and techniques to help empower clients on their path to health, harmony and inner peace.


1: How do I access the audios?

After you register for the audio program, you will be instructed to download the Soundwise mobile app. When you sign in on the app, the program you registered for will automatically load in your library.

2: Can I listen offline?

Yes. Tap on the download icon next to an audio track will download the track to your phone. Simply download the audios when you have wifi and you can listen to them anywhere you go.

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