I’m Jonathan and ZenYo is my approach to meditation and mindful movement. I started practising yoga & meditation in order to treat my stress and burn-out from a long brand marketing career. It was so effective I decided to become a teacher to help others enjoy the benefits.
I retrained as a yoga teacher, but found chasing perfect postures counter-productive to contentment with how things are. My solution is to teach a combination of Zen meditation, Zen Yoga, QiGong & mindful movement to find happiness & connection with the here and now.
I’ve completed over 500 hours certified teacher training in Zen Meditation, Zen & Yin Yoga, Yoga Nidra and QiGong. As a result I can call on a variety of techniques to find the right solutions for each student.
Online I teach live 10 week Zen meditation courses, which are recognised by the International Mindfulness Teachers Association, the Independent Yoga Network and the College of Mindful Clinicians. I’m also a certified Professional Level Mindfulness Teacher with the IMTA.
With my experience of the corporate world I find it easy to relate to high-stress environments and the tensions they can bring.