Travelling Solo Anxiety Free - Set of 2 Hypnotherapy Audios

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I support women to overcome anxiety around solo travel - to go from fearful & hesitant - to confident, empowered & travelling, through the transformative power of hypnotherapy

If you are a woman who longs to travel, but is being held back by your fears, or find anxiety is impacting on your enjoyment of travel, this is the solution!

Is this famillar ?

-you daydream a lot about wonderful travel adventures but do not actually make plans

-you live vicariously through the travel adventures of others on social media but make excuses why you cannot do it

-you research and analyze where you might go, but get analysis paralysis

- you start planning and booking but get cold feet halfway through

-as soon as you are booked you can't stop thinking about what could go wrong, and cancel

-you are wracked with anxiety the day or so before you leave which steals your joy and excitement

-you go on your trip but are so anxious and hypervigilant about everything it feels exhausting

If this resonates, you’re not alone.

Almost everyone feels some anxiety at one point or another when dreaming about, planning or going on their travels.

But it is a problem when it stops you, triggers you to cancel, or spoils your time away as you are constantly on edge.

It’s important to know that this anxiety is not your fault and can be overcome.

I help women to overcome anxiety around solo travel, to go from fearful & hesitant, to, confident, empowered & travelling, through the transformative power of hypnotherapy.

Outcomes for you in overcoming anxiety around solo travel

  • Better organisation: Feel confident about and take action on preparing for and managing issues around: safety, health, logistics, finances, support ,communications, etc.
  • Increased Confidence: Gain a stronger sense of self-assurance and belief in your ability to navigate new environments independently.
  • Enhanced Freedom: Experience the freedom to explore new destinations and cultures without reliance on others, leading to a greater sense of personal liberation.
  • Improved Mental Well-being: Overcoming travel anxiety can reduce stress and increase overall happiness, contributing to better mental health
  • Expanded Perspectives: Solo travel fosters personal growth and broadens horizons by exposing you to diverse experiences and viewpoints.
  • Stronger Problem-Solving Skills: Handling challenges and unexpected situations while traveling alone helps women develop better decision-making and problem-solving abilities.
  • Difference in how people see you: You will be seen as a doer, as someone who is motivated, as someone who does what they say they will do, as someone living life to the fullest
  • Achieving goals: Overcoming travel anxiety enables you to stop procrastinating about travel and actually achieve your dream of doing it.

How Hypnotherapy works

I am Australian qualified in a unique combination of strategic psychotherapy and clinical hypnotherapy that draws on the knowledge of neuroscience to support deep and sustainable change to how you feel, think and behave.

Hypnotherapy effectively, deeply & gently addresses long held limiting beliefs and patterns of behaviour that are causing you to procrastinate and stopping you from being the best version of yourself.

CLINICAL HYPNOTHERAPY is a therapeutic technique where the therapist guides you into a state of deep relaxation and focused attention in order to facilitate psychological or behavioral changes.

By tapping into your sub- conscious new thought patterns and beliefs can be more deeply processed and so able to be used and become sustainable new ways of being for you.

During hypnosis you WILL be aware of everything the therapist is saying and you will not take on board anything you do not want to.

I DO NOT take you back to the past. Hypnotherapy focuses on empowering you into the future so you have control of your behaviour and so you will go from go from stressed, overwhelmed and ashamed of your prro rastinating behviour to in control, moving forward, and proud.

STRATEGIC PSYCHOTHERAPY is a type of psychological therapeutic approach that focuses on identifying and addressing the multi -facets of specific problems or issues in a specific and goal-oriented manner. A hypnotherapy session uses the knowledge from psychotherapy to support your progress.

It does NOT focus on the WHY you have the issue ( as you cannot change the past)

It DOES focus on the HOW to move forward- supporting you to develop better thought patterns, beliefs, skills, habits, and ways of behaving that overcome procrastination.


Benefits of Hypnotherapy


You may have tried traditional counselling or psychology sessions, but may have found that even after months (or years) there is not much change in your life.

With hypnotherapy will see some change in 3 sessions and most people need only 6-8 sessions to have completely overcome the issue.


Each of the 2 different hypnotherapy audio sessions addresses different and specific factors that contribute to procrastination as discovered by psychological research. Other audio hypnotherapy programs often offer only 1 audio session to address an issue. Your therapy is designed so you listen to each of the 2 different audios up to 3 X each.


60 mins of traditional talk therapy such as counselling, can be exhausting, confronting & stressful.

With hypnotherapy you are in a state of relaxation which opens up your neurological pathways , taps into your subconscious so as to more easily create deep and lasting change and supports claming of your nervous system.


Maybe you've realized that just talking about your challenges is not enough. You realise that you are ready for a science based therapy that draws on neuroscience and taps into your subconscious mind to really shifts some negative though patterns & beliefs and builds new ways of thinking and new behaviours.

The combination of psychotherapy and hypnotherapy is the way to really transform at a deep level and help you create a lifelong best version of yourself.


I am passionate about supporting all women to be able to address what may be holding them back being able to live life to the fullest. I believe transformative therapy such as this should be affordable for every woman. So, I have created audio versions of therapy sessions that are cost effective. If delivered face to face and 1 on 1 these sessions would cost 4 X as much as the audio packages. Part of my mission in my practice is to give as many women as possible access to this therapy.

How Hynotherapy Helped Me

Hynotherapy has helped me overcome anxiety and procrastination.

I would not have studied to get my qualifications, I would not have started my practice, if I had continued the habit of procrastinating in my life.

I would not have had the amazing solo travel experiences and living overseas experiences if I had not overcome anxiety around solo travel.

I know what it feels like to have opportunities pass by as I could not make a move on them, or how it feels to be bursting with ideas but never quite get them off the ground.

Literally I saw dreams pass me by through my lack of action.

Overcoming anxiety and procrastination changed my life.

What will your life look like & feel like if you overcome your anxiety about travelling solo?

What is the Therapy Plan ?

Each hypnotherapy audio session is 40 minutes and specifially designed for the issue you are addressing. Content of the 2 audio sessions I have prepared for you each address different and specific factors that contribute to anxiety for travel as discovered by psychological research.

Some of the concrete solo travel anxiety triggering issues that will be addressed are : safety, health, logistics, finances, support ,communications, etc.

Your treatment plan will consist of :

  • 2 X 40 minute hypnotherapy audio sessions-: each one is addressing different aspects of the issue so please listen to both

It is recommened you listen to each of the 2 different hypnotherapy sessions 3 X each over a period of 3 weeks.

Example, each of the 2 audios, on week 1, and each again on weeks 2 & 3. So, that is a total of 6 X 40 minutes over 3 weeks.

You can listen any days and anytime of the day- but it is good to get into some kind of routine during your treatment. You will be guided more on this in the audios

  • A Psychotherapy Worksheet : this worksheet will be used alongside your set of hypnotherapy sessions. The worksheet will require no more than 2 X 15 minutes of your time to follow up at a conscious level what habits and patterns your are changing and identify exactly what new mindset and emotional skills we are activiating during the hypnotherapy sessions.

Once you decide to go ahead and access the audios there will be more information about what to expect in the session.

Basically, though, you are going to get an opportunity to relax back with your eyes closed for 40 minutes while your brain does the work without you even realising. Sounds good, doesn't it ?

Stories of Success

Sheryl C- 67

" Solo travel was something I started to think about after my partner passed away, but my anxiety held me back. Hypnotherapy changed everything for me. Through the sessions, I learned to manage my fears and build self-assurance. My first solo trip to Europe was a huge success—I navigated through new cities with ease and enjoyed every moment. Hypnotherapy didn't just help me overcome my travel anxiety; it also boosted my overall confidence. I can't recommend it enough!"

Faye D- 58

"I was always hesitant about traveling alone after my divorce, as I was filled by anxiety and fear of the unknown. After just a few sessions of hypnotherapy, I felt a significant shift in my mindset. The techniques helped me tap into my inner confidence and calm my anxieties. Now, I've traveled to three different countries by myself, and each experience has been incredibly empowering. Hypnotherapy truly transformed my life and opened up a world of adventures I never thought possible."

FAQs about Hypnotherapy

Some people say they cannot be hypnotized - what if I cannot?

It's a common concern, but the truth is that everyone can be hypnotized to some extent. The fact that you are seeking help makes a difference. Someone cannot be hypnotised against their will . AS soon as you close your eyes your sub-conscious becomes receptive. Effective hypnotherapy does not require a deep trance; even light hypnosis can be beneficial.

I have seen hypnosis on TV, people do silly things and seem in a trance. Is hypnotherapy like that?

Television often dramatizes hypnosis for entertainment purposes, depicting people doing silly or outlandish things. It is good to bear in mind that the people volunteered to go up on stage and want to have some fun. In reality, hypnotherapy is a therapeutic practice aimed at helping individuals achieve specific goals, such as reducing anxiety, quitting smoking, or managing pain. During hypnotherapy, you remain in control and aware of your surroundings. The process involves a state of focused relaxation, not a trance . You will never lose control or act against your will.

What is an audio hypnotherapy session like?

You will be guided as to how to prepare for your session by finding a comfortable place to relax. Notes will be provided for you to prepare for the sessions. When you are ready to turn on the audio the hypnotherapist will then guide you into a relaxed, focused state through techniques such as deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, or guided imagery. Once you are in a state of hypnosis, the hypnotherapist will use positive suggestions and therapeutic techniques to address your specific issue. The session lasting about 30 -40 minutes ends with the therapist guiding you back to a gradual return to full awareness

What if after the audio I stay hypnotized?

It's a common myth that you can get "stuck" in hypnosis. In reality, hypnosis is a natural state of mind, similar to daydreaming or becoming absorbed in a book. You can come out of hypnosis anytime you wish. If you are listening to a hypnotherapy audio the therapist will guide you out and when the audio ends you will naturally either come out of the hypnotic state.

Can I be brainwashed during hypnotherapy?

No, you cannot be brainwashed during hypnotherapy. Hypnotherapy cannot make you do anything against your will or your moral values. While under hypnosis, you are aware of your surroundings and in control of your actions. Hypnotherapists follow strict ethical guidelines to ensure your safety and well-being. The purpose of hypnotherapy is to help you achieve your personal goals and improve your well-being, not to manipulate or control you.

How to start the transformation ?

I invite you to join many others who have discovered the life changing power of hypnotherapy and made it their therapy of choice for efficient, effective, affordable & lasting change.

Get access to the 2 specialised on anxiety free solo travel audios by clicking on the 'Access Now' button below.

In your own home, in your own time, overcome the anxiety that is holding you back.

If not now, when ? Now is your time!

I would be honoured to support you to be proud to say ' I did it '

Access the audios through the 'Access Now' button at the bottom of this page

Travelling Solo Anxiety Free - Tools and Outcomes

Tools: 2 X 40 minute clinical hypnotherapy audios - each audio is different and addresses different specific aspects to support you
Tools: 2 X 15 minute strategic psychotherapy worksheets- to help you understand at a conscious mind level the pillars and patterns of your anxiety around solo travel and the strategies to overcome these
Outcome: Achieving goals: Overcoming anxiety over solo travel enables you to stop hesitating and procrastinating and go and achieve your travel dreams
Outcome: Enhanced Self-Esteem : Successfully managing anxiety and achieving goals boosts confidence and self-worth.
Outcome: Difference in how people see you: You will be seen as a doer, as someone who is courageous and adventuress living life to the fullest
Outcome: Feel confident about and take action on preparing for and managing issues around: safety, health, logistics, finances, support ,communications, etc.
Affordability: My mission is to make this transformative therapy accessible to anyone. You spend 5X less through me delivering through audio to you rather than face to face
Quality: I am an Australian standards certified Clinical Hypnotherapist and Psychotherapist with an additional Masters level qualification
Depth and effectiveness: Each issue is addressed through 2 different hynotherapy audios on that issue so as to provide you with a comprehensive treatment plan. Many other hypnotherapy audio programs only provide 1 audio session per issue
Bonus: Direct messaging to me to ask questions/seek support
Option to have a private zoom therapy session on this issue with me. This is usually not offered by therapists with on-line audio programs (extra cost involved)
Option to have a private zoom holistic assessment with me and a personalised treatment plan designed that will recommend a diversity of audios for you (extra cost)

Your Therapist

Debbie Petlueng - Clinical Hypnotherapist , Strategic Psychotherapist, & Wellness Coach
Hi, I'm Debbie Petlueng

First of all, thank you for your interest. I appreciate your time and congratulate you on your quest to overcome what may be holding you back so you can be the best version of yourself, & live life to your potential.

As we are all human, sometimes we need a little support to overcome things that are holding us back.
Supporting you with my hypnotherapy skills and the power of neuroscience to tap into your inner wisdom and build your skills for life, is my passion, mission and delight.

I am an Australian standards qualified Strategic Psychotherapist and Clinical Hypnotherapist with a Masters in Education and a background in social work and not for profit community development.

I am also the founder of Ageless Beyond 50 with over 11,000 followers & facilitator of Ignite Wellness Retreats.

I am passionate about using my skills and experience to support people's wellbeing - to see them be the best version of themselves and thrive and flourish.

Why? Well, at 49 I had a breast cancer health crisis, a marriage breakdown, the death of a parent, a child in crisis, and a brother diagnosed with a serious illness, all in one year.

On recovery I was motivated to start learning about how to enhance my mental and physical health and have the mindset skills I needed to overcome anything life threw at me and create a wonderful new phase of life living with joy, meaning and purpose. I have been on that mission now for 15 years.

I believe the combination of hypnotherapy and psychotherapy is the most empowering, effective, transformative & results sustainable therapy available today and am so excited to be able to offer this to unleash your own unique potential.

I welcome questions on the therapy and feedback on any of the audio materials I provide for you.

If you would like to also see me for a private consultation on zoom just let me know.
( private sessions at an extra cost)


All the best on your journey to living life as the best version of yourself.

I would be honoured to support you to be proud to say ' I did it'

Join through the access button at the bottom of this page ( If not now, when ? NOW is your time!)

With respect and regards



1: How do I access the audios?

After you register for the audio program, you will be instructed to download the Soundwise mobile app. When you sign in on the app, the program you registered for will automatically load in your library.

2: Can I listen offline?

Yes. Tap on the download icon next to an audio track will download the track to your phone. Simply download the audios when you have wifi and you can listen to them anywhere you go.

3: What should I do if I have technical issues?

Check out common troubleshooting tips here. If the issue is not resolved, please write to

Get Access for AUD 69.00