Johnson went to see the others off at Idlewild. He knew they’d expect him to and, since it would be the last conventional gesture he’d have to make, he might as well conform to their notions of what was right and proper.
For the past few centuries the climate had been getting hotter; now, even though it was not yet June, the day was uncomfortably warm. The sun’s rays glinting off the bright metal flanks of the ship dazzled his eyes, and perspiration made his shirt stick to his shoulder blades beneath the jacket that the formality of the occasion had required. He wished Clifford would hurry up and get the leave-taking over with.
But, even though Clifford was undoubtedly even more anxious than he to finish with all this ceremony and take off, he wasn’t the kind of man to let inclination influence his actions. “Sure you won’t change your mind and come with us?”
Johnson shook his head.
The young man looked at him—hatred for the older man’s complication of what should have been a simple departure showing through the pellicule of politeness. He was young for, since this trip had only slight historical importance and none of any other kind, the authorities had felt a junior officer entirely sufficient. It was clear, however, that Clifford attributed his commandership to his merits, and he was very conscious of his great responsibility.
“We have plenty of room on the ship,” he persisted. “There weren’t many left to go. We could take you easily enough, you know.”
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