All Access Pass (Lifetime)

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Get access to all of the audios for a lifetime*


Access all of the hypnosis, mindfulness, and audio resources from an app on your phone or device 24/7 365 wherever you are. The app works online and offline so you're covered.

The app is perfect for everyone who wants to reduce stress, feel happier, increase productivity, and achieve their goals.

You'll continue to get all future tracks added at no extra cost. 

If you're a member of the main website and have signed up for a plan, you may be granted temporary lifetime access for the duration of your subscription.

Clients who buy the lifetime plan via Soundwise subscription and members who have signed up for the platinum plan will have lifetime unrestricted access.

Anyone on Pro or Premium who cancels their membership will be reverted to the free plan.


Boost your self-confidence
Remove negative doubts
Increase your productivity
Take decisions and actions you couldn't before
Start achieving your goals


1: How do I access the audios?

After you register for the audio program, you will be instructed to download the Soundwise mobile app. When you sign in on the app, the program you registered for will automatically load in your library.

2: Can I listen offline?

Yes. Tap on the download icon next to an audio track will download the track to your phone. Simply download the audios when you have wifi and you can listen to them anywhere you go.

3: What should I do if I have technical issues?

Check out common troubleshooting tips here. If the issue is not resolved, please write to

Get Access for GBP 467.99