![cover art](https://s3.amazonaws.com/soundwiseinc/soundcasts/preview-1702580980264s-1703012381944.png)
![cover art](https://s3.amazonaws.com/soundwiseinc/soundcasts/preview-1702580980264s-1703012381944.png)
Win the war within and break free from fear.
Find your way back home to you.
- Rock the boat: Learn how to stop compromising and pretending you're someone you're not to simply get along.
- Feel Secure: Let go of self-consciousness and inhibition so you can be open and honest about who you truly are.
- Honor Your Voice: Stop being afraid that if you voice your beliefs or opinions you will lose your family and friends.
The Freedom to be True to Yourself
There's a battle inside each of us between being who we truly are and who everyone
expects us to be.
The pressure to be someone you're not is about as pleasurable as swimming across the Atlantic with a backpack full of bricks. It's exhausting and unfulfilling.
And it feels like you're drowning.
The exact opposite of what life is supposed to be.
Slay Your Inner Demon is your opportunity to unload those bricks and be freed from the mental mind chatter. So you can get back to living a life you love.
It's time for your authentic self to shine, so you can start doing what you know you should be doing in your heart. Doing what is right for you.
It's time to find yourself at your core and stop putting other people's opinions, beliefs and views higher than your own.
Find Your Way Back To Your True Self
Who were you before you believed you weren't enough? Do you remember when you were free-spirited and fun? When nothing anyone said mattered because you were happy with who you were?
Do you remember the last time you had a cheek-cramp, throat-snorting belly laugh?
If you're like most people, the answer is 'I don't know.'
That's really sad, don't you think?
You know what? It doesn't have to be that way. No matter how long you feel you've been suffering in silence, you can turn it all around.
You can finally be free from fear...and back in control of your mind and life in 6 weeks or less.
That sure beats sitting in a therapy office each week for five years doesn't it?
Look, I know it might seem like you're the only one who feels this way. The truth is, you're not alone.
Did you know the number one hurdle people face is trying to conquer their inner demons? And this is intensified by the number one fear which is what other people think.
The difference between you and most people is they're trying to escape the discomfort of facing their inner demons by controlling others.
Conquer your inner demon so you can feel comfortable in your own skin.
And the first step to doing that is learning the secret no one is talking about...
...the one key principle that will change your entire life.
People don't do things to you, they do things for themselves.
What other people do is not about you.
Session 1. Ultimate Self [Emotional] Control. Master the art of self-control and regain your power.
Session 2. The Power of Curiosity and Asking the Right Questions. Discover the root cause of your fear and gain clarity to skyrocket your confidence and courage
Session 3. Reveal and Rewire Your Limiting Patterns. Uncover and upgrade your subconscious and gain leverage to create unapologetic (invisible) boundaries.
Session 4. Surrender The Stories You Tell Yourself. Rewrite your life story from a fresh new perspective, and design a new life of joy and fulfillment.
Session 5. Stop OverThinking & Trust Yourself. Begin to know and trust that you already have everything you need inside of you.
Session 6. Honesty And Honoring The Real You. Regain delicious humor again and position yourself to live in the ease and flow of life.
What's Included
- Six transformational learning sessions.
- Three key foundational power sessions where you will learn exactly how and why you got here so you can unlock your path forward.
- 64 lessons total
- 2 part self-discovery journals/workbooks to document your journey from where you started to the creation of a delicious blueprint of who you are at your core.
- Lifetime access to these transformational trainings and any future upgrades to the course.
- Deep down inside you know there's more to life than what you're living
- The last few years had you questioning your sanity and doubting yourself (even though you knew you were right)
- You want to fully and authentically express yourself (online and off) with confidence and certainty
- You want to stop caring what other people think, and do what you want, when you want, with who you want
- You're committed to putting in the work
- You believe things happen for a reason but sometimes you lose faith
- You realize the DIY version of change (books, YouTube, videos, podcasts and Ted Talks) is a long and expensive route because they might tell you what to do, but not how to do it.
- You feel like you've tried everything and you still wonder what's wrong with you
- You want to be resourceful and resilient
If Your Soul Is Tired And Your Heart Is Afraid...There Is Hope
It's easy to feel hopeless in a world that has made blaming, shaming and bullying fashionable.
Those who stay there waiting around for someone to swoop in and save them will either end up being like the people they loathe, or the become apathetic.
In either case, they may as well start drafting a dearly departed speech and have a ceremony for their dead dreams.
But for those who demand more of themselves, and know deep down that they are here for a bigger purpose, and are ready to heal their heart and awaken their soul...
This Is Your OPPORTUNITY Now!!
If you don't Slay Your Inner Demons, you will continue to lay fetal at night praying to the Universe and all that is, to stop the cycle of thoughts going around in your head so you can get just one good night of sleep.
If you don't Slay Your Inner Demons, the embarrassment you've been dodging will be the ticket price for a grand show you never got to see.
If you don't Slay Your Inner Demons, the hopes and dreams that you've been visualizing since you were 15 will be erased faster than hitting the delete button on your Pinterest board.
If you don't Slay Your Inner Demons, the affirmations you've been rehearshing to boost your self-belief are hijacked by 'sky is falling' fantasies sounding eerily like your mother.
Slay Your Inner Demon unlocks the must-have skills to create unwavering confidence and courage to honor your authentic self.
1: How do I access the audios?
After you register for the audio program, you will be instructed to download the Soundwise mobile app. When you sign in on the app, the program you registered for will automatically load in your library.
2: Can I listen offline?
Yes. Tap on the download icon next to an audio track will download the track to your phone. Simply download the audios when you have wifi and you can listen to them anywhere you go.
3: What should I do if I have technical issues?
Check out common troubleshooting tips here. If the issue is not resolved, please write to support@mysoundwise.com.