BARD CHAI said thoughtfully, “Cults.” He examined a tape-report grinding from the receptor. The receptor was rusty and unoiled; it whined piercingly and sent up an acrid wisp of smoke. Chai shut it off as its pitted surface began to heat ugly red. Presently he finished with the tape and tossed it with a heap of refuse jamming the mouth of a disposal slot. “What about cults?” Bard Sung-wu asked faintly. He brought himself back with an effort, and forced a smile of interest on his plump olive-yellow face. “You were saying?”
“Any stable society is menaced by cults; our society is no exception.” Chai rubbed his finely-tapered fingers together reflectively. “Certain lower strata are axiomatically dissatisfied. Their hearts burn with envy of those the wheel has placed above them; in secret they form fanatic, rebellious bands. They meet in the dark of the night; they insidiously express inversions of accepted norms; they delight in flaunting basic mores and customs.”
“Ugh,” Sung-wu agreed. “I mean,” he explained quickly, “it seems incredible people could practice such fanatic and disgusting rites.” He got nervously to his feet. “I must go, if it’s permitted.”
“Wait,” snapped Chai. “You are familiar with the Detroit area?”
Uneasily, Sung-wu nodded. “Very slightly.”
With characteristic vigor, Chai made his decision. “I’m sending you; investigate and make a blue-slip report. If this group is dangerous, the Holy Arm should know. It’s of the worst elements–the Techno class.”
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