Visualization is the very beginning of creation.
Think about it. Human beings are such amazing creatures. From the beginning of time, everything we've created came about because someone somewhere visualized an object in answer to a need. This was closely followed by someone imagining how to make this object and put it to use. Without visualization, nothing would have ever been created in the first place.
It seems so simple—and yet isn't. We picture something in our minds, and so it comes to be. Okay, well, there's some serious work needing to happen to take the dream into reality. But without the original vision for innovation, the world would have never changed at all. Visualization is pretty powerful stuff when put in those terms, isn't it?
Now imagine using visualization to achieve your goals. Feel like changing the world? Hang on, because you're about to!
In this audiobook, we're going to look at visualization a little closer, starting with a little bit more about it. We'll follow with some benefits to using visualization (as if changing the world isn't already enough!) and go from there into some more practical topics. You'll learn how to use visualization for yourself and can even enjoy some exercises to get you started on your journey.
By the end of this audio, you'll be ready to take on your life-changing visualizations to manifest your most heartfelt and ultimate desires.
Excited? You should be. After all, you're about to make history, or at the very least, change the future.
Your Guide
Today, I’m a certified hypnotherapist, EFT, NLP, and Life coach, with a Master's Degree in Counseling.
My mission is to help women have healthy, fulfilling relationships so they can lead powerful, impactful lives.
My work has been featured in the New York Post, the Huffington Post, and more.
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