Raising Your Money Vibration Series

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Many have become disconnected from money because it's associated with pain, stress, worry, anxiety, disappointment, fear, powerlessness, guilt, shame, suffering, feelings of dis-empowered and abandonment. Take this audio series to help change that.

What is the Raising Your Money Vibration Program Designed to Do?

During this Online Audio Series, we will clear some of the most common energies and dynamics associated to money:

Many have become disconnected from money and avoidance of money because it is associated with pain, stress, worry, anxiety, disappointment, fear, shackled, powerless, guilty, ashamed, stuck, blocked, suffering, enslaved, buried, cursed, control, being controlled, dis-empowered, abandonment, a target, burden, money is alive, the enemy, identity, our worth, feeling less than, broken money matrix, trapped, debt energy, escape, disbelief, unconscious, lack, not enough, anger, frustration, not good enough, not enough, never enough, unworthy, lost, drowning, resistance to money, past life energy, karma, genealogy, ancestral ties, blame, shame, cultural ties and paradigms, despair, who am I to . . . . . The list is long and we’ll be touching on it all during this ground-breaking energy shifting Program.

This program is not a ‘make money now get rich quick scheme’ even though many of my clients have experienced instant manifestations and changes; see the Money Breakthrough Testimonials below, it is designed to help you change your thoughts, feelings, energy, and vibration about the whole subject of money.

From there you have the head space, inner balance, and calm to interact with the world differently and be in a more creative and resourceful space. The space where the magic happens.

I recently wrote a piece for a magazine article about going beyond the Law of Attraction and why many people get stuck and draw towards them what they don’t want. The Exercises and Processes and Guided Meditations included as part of this Program will also help you shift that.

We will also use my new Money Breakthrough Oracle Cards to do live Readings and Energy Clearings.

Series Guide

Part 1: Clearing Old Money Beliefs
Part 2: Cutting Ancestral, Generational and Karmic Ties
Part 3: Past Life Readings & Clearings
Part 4: Soul of Money Guided Meditation
Part 5: Clearing Negative Emotions, Limited Possibilities, and Judgements
Part 6: FLP - Meeting the Ultimate Abundant Version of You
Part 7: Huna Energy Symbols & Chakra Clearing
Part 8: Ho'oponopono Cord Cutting
Part 9: Huna & Access Consciousness Energy Clearing
Part 10: Soul Blueprint Ignition & Realigning Your Money DNA


Marilyn Devonish
Marilyn Devonish, The NeuroSuccess™ Coach, is a Business Graduate, holds a Post Graduate Chartered Institute of Marketing Diploma, is a Corporate Trainer, Management Consultant, Prince2 Project Manager and Freelance Writer.

She is a Certified Trainer of NLP, Certified Trainer of Time Line Therapy, Certified Trainer of Hypnosis, Certified PhotoReading™ Instructor, Archetypal Profiling, Archetypal Branding and Team Dynamics Consultant, Multi-Disciplinary Therapist, Certified Life and Executive Coach, and corporate Mental Health First Aid Trainer. She has been a specialist Remote Working Implementation Consultant since 2003.

She is also a practitioner in EFT, EmoTrance, DNA Theta Healing, Hawaiian Huna, Access Bars, Access Consciousness, Energetic NLP, Positive EFT, Past Life Regression, Opening the Heart (OTH), Future Life Progression, and Reiki.

In addition, Marilyn is Freelance Magazine Writer, Keynote Speaker, and offline and online Workshop Facilitator. She has been in the field of personal development since the year 2000 after giving up her Chartered Accountancy studies to become a Coach and Hypnotherapist.


1: How do I access the audios?

After you register for the audio program, you will be instructed to download the Soundwise mobile app. When you sign in on the app, the program you registered for will automatically load in your library.

2: Can I listen offline?

Yes. Tap on the download icon next to an audio track will download the track to your phone. Simply download the audios when you have wifi and you can listen to them anywhere you go.

3: What should I do if I have technical issues?

Check out common troubleshooting tips here. If the issue is not resolved, please write to support@mysoundwise.com.

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