Daily Love

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Daily Love is a compilation of practices that you can bring into your day or week to nurture more joy, peace, self-compassion, and love.

I think of this body of work as daily nourishment for your being. It holds reflections, insights, meditations, embodiment practices, and other invitations that can support you in...

  • Releasing what you no longer need
  • Integrating what can become the medicine
  • And in so doing, building your mental and emotional capacity to keep showing up to this Divine appointment we call life!

Access to Daily Love is offered joyfully without required payment.

If however, you'd like to support the ongoing birthing of this work through financial contributions, you're welcome to do so via this link: paypal.com/paypalme/nataleefacey

Much love to you!
Natalee Facey 


Practices to support you in releasing stress, tension, and tightness from the body.
Practices that guide you into processing and releasing heavy emotions.
Guided meditations to support you in experiencing better sleep and overall ease in your body.
Insights and new frameworks to bring healing to stories that aren't in alignment with the truth of your innate wholeness.
Invitations into experiencing more joy, self-compassion, and self-love.


Natalee Facey
I am a Resilience Coach, Rebirth Doula, and Embodiment Healing Practitioner. I've also been trained as a Coach & Workshop Leader in the “Love Yourself, Heal Your Life" philosophy of Louise Hay, the founder of Hay House Publishing.

My calling has been to walk alongside people who are going through deep transformation in their lives—what I call the Rebirth process. I support them in releasing grief, shame, guilt and other heavy emotions; in restoring trust in life; reconnecting to their sense of wholeness; and becoming alchemists in transforming their painful experiences into wisdom and medicine.

I'm originally from the island of Jamaica, where my deep connection to nature, and my love for dancing and laughter as healing tools originated.

Learn more about me and my work at nataleefacey.com or on Instagram @thebirthwarriors. Or say hello at hello@nataleefacey.com.


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2: Can I listen offline?

Yes. Tap on the download icon next to an audio track will download the track to your phone. Simply download the audios when you have wifi and you can listen to them anywhere you go.

3: What should I do if I have technical issues?

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