The Story of BlackWorld is a tale like no other.
BlackWorld is real and exists in the corner of heaven,
but unlike other heavenly realms, BlackWorld was created
by the ancestors; those who'd been stolen from Africa
and brought to the Americas. Those enslaved Africans
were shackled, tortured, and maimed.
Many began to lose their humanity.
One among them implored God to provide a place where
the enslaved could rest their spirits long enough to endure
the suffering and make way for the future. God relented
and gave them the realm that is still known as BlackWorld.
Now, it is visited and inhabited by any who seek justice,
love mercy, and walk humbly with God. It is for those who
cry out and for those who are called. You don't have to
be Black to go to BlackWorld, but as Brother Malcom
once said, “It do help.”
Rose Freeman has been called to BlackWorld. When her
doctoral studies are interrupted by requests of the Last
Will and Testament of her Aunt Bertha, Rose learns that
she must distribute the millions left by a person she'd
known as a “woman of modest means."
“You'll know what to do,” her aunt's will instructs, but like so
many other lost Black folks, Rose is trying to get by, by fitting in.
She has no idea that her blackness and the experience thereof
is the world's saving grace.
With the assistance and guidance of Aziz, the attendant on Rose's
private jet, Rose will discover BlackWorld, and unlock the secrets
of our past, present and future.
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