During my first two decades of private practice, one of the things I would do six months after people’s sessions, was to mail out a questionnaire. It was a four page detailed questionnaire. Some of the questions covered the level of relaxation that the person achieved during their sessions. The statistics consistently revealed a very high relaxation level. With 10 being the highest and deepest, the majority replied with an 8 or more out of 10.
This program uses similar processes to the personal one on one sessions. The program takes the relaxation portion of the therapy sessions and adds much more detail to cover all possible questions and threads that your conscious mind could possibly need in order to let go and allow your body to relax.
Unlike many other relaxation programs available, this program was created from live actual practice of people who did truly relax. The program does not contain nice music. Nor does it sound like most others – where someone who does not do this for a living reads out a nice script hoping that the nice words will relax the person. Sometimes this works, but there is much more to a true deep relaxation process than what a person says. Much more.
In researching existing relaxation programs before deciding to produce my own, I wanted to find out what the popular ones were like. Had they progressed since the last time I listened to one about fifteen years ago? If they had, if they had progressed to the way I used the process then it would have been silly to reinvent the wheel if there were already products out there that did what I did in my relaxation processes in sessions.
I was amazed to find that some of the current latest programs at the time, in my opinion, had not progressed AT ALL beyond the relaxation programs of fifteen years ago. People had simply added different nice music in the background, a nicer cover and the rest was virtually identical.
At that point I realised I had to produce this program. It was time to move forward.
I mentioned above briefly that this program is a product of many years of research and practice work. The practice work I also mentioned above, having developed this method from over 600 live trials. And not just 600, but actually closer to 1,800 trials to be exact. As most people had the minimum three sessions each.
On the research side – most of this was embedded in my training in the different modalities that combined, forms my work. In all this training and practice a number of key points stood out strongly. But it is enough to say here, (which I also mention to some extent on the program under tracks two and three), that there are some fundamental principles to truly relaxing that can help a person feel comfortable to let go quickly, that cannot in most cases be produced by some background music and someone reading out some relaxing words.
This program is not just some relaxing words for you to follow. On the surface it can be viewed in this way. But there is much more at work than just some relaxing words. Behind the scenes, gleaned from years of research, development and very importantly my very own personal development, there is much much more happening. It seems invisible because it is SUBCONSCIOUS and BODY BASED. And the results speak for themselves.
Asking clients afterwards who relaxed deeply, how they did it, the response is usually a blank stare. There were no words to describe it. They had successfully let go of the over thinking mind.
If you are getting an inkling as to what I am talking about, follow this. If your gut instinct ‘feels right’ as you read this, then that sense is usually correct. It’s your body, your subconscious body, talking to you, and not just your intellect trying to make a rational limiting decision.
1: How do I access the audios?
After you register for the audio program, you will be instructed to download the Soundwise mobile app. When you sign in on the app, the program you registered for will automatically load in your library.
2: Can I listen offline?
Yes. Tap on the download icon next to an audio track will download the track to your phone. Simply download the audios when you have wifi and you can listen to them anywhere you go.
3: What should I do if I have technical issues?
Check out common troubleshooting tips here. If the issue is not resolved, please write to support@mysoundwise.com.