Philip K. Dick Short Stories features 16 short stories from the legendary author which appeared in science fiction magazines from 1952 to 1955. - 10 hours 11 minutes

Philip K. Dick Short Stories features 16 short stories from the legendary author which appeared in science fiction magazines from 1952 to 1955. - 10 hours 11 minutes
This amazing Philip K. Dick Short Stories short story collection includes...
- The Hanging Stranger
- The Gun
- Beyond The Door
- Beyond Lies The Wub
- The Eyes Have It
- Foster You’re Dead
- Sales Pitch
- Small Town
- Prominent Author
- Tony and the Beetles
- Piper In The Woods
- The Skull
- The Golden Man
- Human Is
- Meddler
- The Crawlers
More than 10 hours of vintage science fiction from Philip K. Dick!
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