This bundle consists of the 6th module of the Lotus Health Institute Clinical Homeopathy Certificate course. Module 6 consists of the five Dr. Robin Murphy, ND homeopathic lectures below.
Geriatrics & Hygiene - Discusses health and longevity, the aging process, and geriatric topics as well as reviewing the vital force, vital energy, and its relation to case taking and prescribing. Includes remedies pertaining to AIDS and neurasthenia (nervous system weakness due to virus or loss of vitality).
Organon and LM Prescribing - Modern schools of philosophy and their methods of practice are evaluated and reviewed. Topics include Hahnemann’s Organon and concepts of health and disease, an introduction to LM Prescribing, water potencies, homeopathic pharmacy techniques and Hahnemann’s LM research. Also evaluated are organ remedies, the treatment of addictions, and sample cases.
Organopathic Remedies - Discusses the history and development of Organopathic therapy, organ analysis in case taking, and includes chronic case presentations and emphysema. Reviews the Materia Medica for the heart, lungs, liver, and kidneys, including Stannum Met., Digitalis, Crataegus, Ammonia Carb., Dolichos, Sabal Ser., and Carduus Mar., and other remedies.
New, Old and Forgotten Remedies - Many rare and peculiar remedies are presented with their practical application emphasized. Remedy groups discussed include insect and spider venom, radioactive, magnetic and imponderables, remedies from our environment and rare remedies with potential new uses. Selected topics on philosophy include health and longevity, various ways of perceiving the Materia Medica, new perspectives on the Law of Similars and Herings Law. Case histories are analyzed and discussed.
Comparative Materia Medica - A study of the remedy groups with comparisons and keynotes of Calcreas (Calcium), Natrums (Sodium), Kalis (Potassium), Ferrums (Iron), and Mercuries, Acids, and Snake Venoms. Also discussed is Synthetic Prescribing as a technique of prescribing and understanding homeopathic remedies.
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