Stories From The Fringe

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The Fringe Church has been around for years and our team can go to some very dark places. We are always looking for God’s light in dark places as we belive God is always at work in them. Join us as we share the stories and interview some of the people who have been there

The Fringe Church has been around for years and our team can go to some very dark places.

We are always looking for God’s light in dark places as we believe God is always at work in them.

We are blessed to join in his work and witness some of the most amazing things. 

We have been asked to share the stories of what we have seen and lived through. 

so join us as we tell of our experiences and interview others who have lived through it too. 


Be challenged to see light in dark places


Rev Ron Hutchinson
Reverend Ron Hutchinson is the Senior Pastor and co-founder of The Fringe Church.
Before developing The Fringe Church in 2015, Ron had a 25 year career in retail, working for companies such as Coles and Bunnings, managing and developing strategies to impact their businesses.

In 2015, Ron followed his passion to see sustainable positive change in the community.
His particular focus is on the fringes of society. Ron is committed to developing programs to help people battling criminality, addiction, generational poverty, mental ill health and to impact on criminal recidivism, particularly regarding domestic violence.

Through The Fringe Church, Ron has helped develop and run programs in mentoring, in community growth strategies, and an online training school to develop skills in people who wish to make social impact.

Ron’s work has garnered the attention of the ABC and other media outlets around Australia and internationally. Ron has spoken at many events about his desire to see change that starts with grassroots initiatives - and promoting his belief that for lasting change you need to move public opinion in conjunction with treating the root cause of a problem.

Ron has recently received a Community Spirit Award from ABC Brisbane, as a finalist showing outstanding leadership, vision, and ingenuity in the community.


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