Breathe Your Way to Inner Peace

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This is a simple and easy technique that everyone can do! Deep breathing is one of our easiest, most convenient and natural tools to overcome stress and anxiety, reduce pain, high blood pressure and even aid indigestion.

Step 1: Get comfortable.

Practice right after waking up, or on an empty stomach. Sit or lie down, whichever is most comfortable for you. You shouldn’t feel any constriction. Never practice while driving a vehicle or in or near water.

Step 2: Follow the guided breathing rhythm.

Close your eyes and be conscious of your breath. Inhale deeply through the nose or mouth and exhale, unforced, through the mouth. While you are inhaling, first fill your belly, then your chest, and then let it go, unforced. Follow the guided breathing rhythm. You may experience light-headedness and tingling sensations in your fingers and feet. These side effects are completely harmless.

Step 3: Hold the breath.

Inhale as deeply as you can. Then let the air out and stop breathing. Hold until you feel the urge to breathe again.

Step 4: Take a recovery breath.

When you feel the urge to breathe again, draw one big breath to fill your lungs. When you are at full capacity, hold the breath for around 15 seconds, then let go. That completes round number one. This cycle is repeated three times. After having completed the breathing exercise, surrender to the music and take your time to bask in the bliss.



Decreases stress, increases calm. When you become stressed or anxious, your brain releases cortisol, the “stress hormone.” By taking deep breaths, your heart rate slows, more oxygen enters our blood stream and ultimately communicates with the brain to relax. Deep breathing also ups your endorphins, the “feel good” chemical.
Relieves pain. As stated above, deep breathing triggers the release of endorphins, which not only helps create a feeling ing, but also combats pain.
Stimulates the lymphatic system (Detoxifies the body). Breathing releases carbon monoxide, which is important to fully release. Actually, breathing is in charge of 70% of cleansing the body of toxins (the other 30% is through bladder and bowels.) If you do not breathe fully, your body must work overtime to release these toxins.
Stimulates the lymphatic system (Detoxifies the body). Breathing releases carbon monoxide, which is important to fully release. Actually, breathing is in charge of 70% of cleansing the body of toxins (the other 30% is through bladder and bowels.) If you do not breathe fully, your body must work overtime to release these toxins.
Increases energy. The more oxygen that is in the blood, the better our body functions. It also improves our stamina.
Lowers blood pressure. As your muscles relax, this allows your blood vessels to dialate, which improves circulation and lowers blood pressure. Deep breathing also slows and regulates the heart rate, which also helps with lowering your BP.
Improves digestion. The more you breathe deep, the more healthier blood flow you will produce, which in turn promotes your organs to function more effectively, including your intestines.


Pablo Arellano
Pablo Arellano is a composer and pianist. Throughout his career, he has been passionate about creating music and courses to support relaxation and stress relief.

Through his music, he helps people to connect with their true selves to promote healing and improve their quality of life. You can use his music and meditation techniques to be anchored in the present moment and dive into inner peace.

From a place of stillness, you are able to create beauty, freedom and abundance in your life. Pablo's mission is to reach and awaken the hearts of people around the world.


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