Welcome to Arcadia Economics! Where we guide you through the daily financial and economic news, with a focus on the silver market.
Because after watching the Federal Reserve re-inflate the asset bubbles that led to the sub-prime meltdown back in 2008, it became clear that there would be a day of reckoning, which has finally manifested in today's markets.
The central banks and the governments responded to a crisis caused by too much debt and money printing, by of course borrowing and printing even faster than before.
Which has led many to turn to gold and in silver as a response, and here at Arcadia Economics, we keep you posted on what's happening (not what Wall Street and the politicians would like you to believe) so you can be aware of what's coming, before it's too late to do something about it!
After being intrigued by studying the traders who had forecast the subprime crisis in advance, and noticing that they all talked about precious metals, Chris walked away from Wall Street in 2012 to create Arcadia Economics, in order to share what he felt people simply deserved to know.
He currently hosts a financial show on Youtube (Arcadia Economics), helps people buy, sell, and store precious metals, and also does silver trading and option consulting.
You can find out more about Chris at www.ArcadiaEconomics.com, or by emailing TheBigSilverShort@arcadiaeconomics.com.
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