She Rises For Tomorrow

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She Rises for Tomorrow collab book featuring Joy Rachelle


Are you feeling stuck in a continuous daily routine? Sick and tired of working

an endless 9-5 job, which you don’t particularly like? Do you ever have the

dream of making your own rules, running your own business, and becoming

financially stable all out of the comfort of your own home?

You are not alone. Many women out there wish for the freedom to have a

career that fits around their ambitions and family lifestyle. Fear and

uncertainty are what keeps most of us from taking an entrepreneurial risk. As

a result, many women feel unfulfilled professionally.

Fear not. There is hope.

In this inspirational book, you’ll read 15 inspiring stories from a bunch of brave

women who have broken out of typical societal norms. They took action to

make their dreams a reality; taking their ideas and making a better life for


These women have overcome their own obstacles and found unique ways in

which they can create a life they want to lead.

If there’s something keeping you from following your personal dreams and

making your ideas a reality, then come on a journey with these strong and

independent women. Get inspired from their stories and become equipped

with their tried and tested tools to reach lifestyle independence.


Joy Rachelle audio version of her chapter


Joy Rachelle


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