Customer Centricity Conversations

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Customer Centricity - surely one of today's most used and abused business terms. Here, ValueGenie's David Pinder and David 'Eddie' Rattray discuss the challenges of achieving Customer Centricity in business and the exciting opportunities now opening up.

Customer Centricity: a vital issue of corporate organisation and practice? 

Or just hot air? 

Since the dawn of time we humans have bought and sold ... everything. So, surely, the dynamics of Customer-Supplier interactions have long-since become crystal clear to all of us?

Well, no. Our discourse about customers and customer behaviour demonstrates that there is no common reference point for understanding the topic.

The dynamic does, of course, change over time but, even allowing for that, our understanding of customer-supplier interactions is often quite basic. Hence this podcast series about Customer Centricity – a term that gets used a lot but seems rarely to be analysed or discussed.

Join the conversation. It’s the perfect way to set your enterprise up to capitalise on the opportunities of the 2020s.


Insights into Customer Centricity from the experts at Valuegenie
A new model to help analyze the various forms of customer-centredness
An introduction to an entirely new approach that enables true Customer Centricity
Insights on how to communicate better with your customers


David Pinder
David started out in Sales and Marketing with P&G and Hertz Corporation, then spent some time in advertising and, latterly, focused on writing and messaging (including working with Accenture and co-authoring a book on value propositions). Did he actually learn anything? Even if he did, did the world change faster than he could keep up? So, is his reputation as a customer centricity writer, consultant and thought leader justified? Well, you're the customer: you judge.
David 'Eddie' Rattray
Eddie started his career as a research scientist studying Wasps - which is probably how he ended up writing comedy for TV, and now has a movie script that's in development in Hollywood. Oh and, yes, he's put this storytelling knowledge to great effect in writing for business and teaching the skills. Come and hear him talk about storytelling, Customer Centric Messaging and business writing.


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