This Program is no-holds-barred. It contains ONE FULL DECADE of the greatest secrets that produced tens of millions of dollars for its author.
There are 1068 secrets in ‘RUTHLESS MARKETING!’ give you more leverage in all three of the critical areas that will make you the largest amount of money in your business. Getting MORE NEW CUSTOMERS to seek you out and want to give you their money. Getting the maximum number of customers TO KEEP COMING BACK – to spend the largest amount of their disposable income with you! (not your competition!). And get more of your customers to GLADLY GIVE YOU the maximum amount of money every time they buy from you.
NEW… for _____ only
Or do your competitors
get a lot of the money
that should be going straight into your bank account?
Dear Friend,
Please be honest…
Because if you’re truthful with yourself, you’ll agree:
There’s a whole lot of money
in your marketplace right now –
that you’re NOT getting.
Think of your market as if it were a giant safe that’s loaded with millions of dollars…
You simply discover the right clicks on the dial…and presto!
The safe opens and all the money is now yours!
And that’s what a new program
can do for you.
‘RUTHLESS MARKETING!’ contains 1,068 cutting-edge secrets to instantly get more money from your market… These tips, tricks, and little-known techniques are proven to generate tens of millions of dollars.
The 14 cassette tapes and other materials in this new program tell you how to quickly dominate and ‘own’ your market! You’ll pop in these tapes and discover how to get more money with less work.
BUT DON’T LET THE TITLE FOOL YOU… You see, ‘RUTHLESS MARKETING!’ is not about lying, cheating, or ripping people off… NO, NO, NO! You know that Bill Glazer and Dan Kennedy would never be involved in anything like…
like that… What this Program is about is…
The 1068 secrets in ‘RUTHLESS MARKETING!’ give you more leverage in all three of the critical areas that will make you the largest amount of money in your business:
Money-Leverage #1 – Getting MORE NEW CUSTOMERS to seek you out and want to give you their money.
Money-Leverage #2 – Then getting the maximum number of customers TO KEEP COMING BACK – to spend the largest amount of their disposable income with you! (not your competition!)
Money-Leverage #3 – And get more of your customers to GLADLY GIVE YOU the maximum amount of money every time they buy from you.
These are very aggressive ideas
that will instantly transform you
into a marketing attack dog!
RUTHLESS MARKETING is different than any other marketing course or program you’ve ever seen.
How? That’s simple:
This Program is no-holds-barred. It contains
ONE FULL DECADE of the greatest secrets that produced tens of millions of dollars for its author…
The 1,068 powerful secrets in this Program come from the personal library of self-made millionaire marketer, T. J. Rohleder. They are the best-of-the-best ideas that took him and his wife, Eileen, from a lowly $300.00 back in 1988 to over $70,000,000.00 in only 15 years…
Like most of us, T. J. became obsessed with marketing and began spending tens of thousands of dollars every year on books, tapes, seminars, and personal consulting sessions with the best marketers in the world. He became a serious student of Dan Kennedy’s in 1993 and was one of the original Platinum Members of Dan’s powerful group that Bill Glazer and I are also Members of… He sought help from Dan Kennedy, Jay Abraham, Randy Charach, Ted Ciuba, Gary Halbert, Russ von Hoelscher, Bob Stone, John Carlton, Don Bice, Alan R. Bechtold, Jeff Gardner, Jeff Paul, and many, many others…
This Program took over 10 years to produce –
and is loaded with little-known ideas that have made many average people multi-millionaires!
RUTHLESS MARKETING started out as a series of private journal entries that
T.J. wrote to help himself make more money… There was never any desire to…
publish these secrets for anyone but himself and his closest friends.
When he was done boiling it all down, there were 1,068 killer wealth-making secrets… He gave these private journal entries as gifts to a few of his closest friends who urged him to publish these secrets for others – but to never let it be known that he was the author…
>> One of his best friends saw these 1068 secrets and shouted:
“T. J., you must share these secrets with other marketers!!
But they’re way too ruthless! You can never let your own customers know that you are the author of this manuscript!
if they knew you used these methods to get their money!”
So that’s how T. J. came up with the title: ‘RUTHLESS MARKETING!’
– and he published it under his pen name “Terence Storm”.
>> THEN CAME STAGE #2: T. J. gathered 7 of his closest friends and fellow marketing experts to record a Program on JUST A SMALL NUMBER of these secrets! They took the best-of-the-best of his 1,068 ideas and recorded 10-powerful hours that you will get when you invest in this amazing Program.
Just a few of these little-known secrets have the awesome power to make you
huge sums of money…for life!
You’ll get 1,068 of the greatest tips, tricks, and strategies ever published for producing a raging river of cash flow that can transform your business forever, just like they did for T. J. and Eileen’s business and many others… These 1,068 ideas were NEVER intended to be seen by anyone except T. J. and a few of his best friends! These private journal entries were formulas he discovered – to extract the largest amount of money from his market… There is no sugar coating – no fluff – and no cute or kind words…
T. J. gave this manuscript to his friends at Dan Kennedy’s Platinum Group, and that’s how Bill Glazer and I found out about them… And when we realized that T. J. had extracted the best-of-the-best of his greatest ideas and boiled them down into 1,068 of the hottest marketing ideas in the world – we had to have this for ourselves and our best Clients!
You see, this is not just another marketing program like all the other programs in your success library… THIS ONE IS TRULY RUTHLESS!
And that’s why RUTHLESS MARKETING is NOT for the weak-minded, mild-mannered, timid person who is fairly happy with the amount of business they are bringing in. NO, NO, NO…
This Program is loaded with “shoot-to-kill – and take no prisoners” secrets that let you quickly become a dominate player. You’ll use this Program to attract a never-ending supply of eager new customers who seek you out and almost beg you to take their money!
You’ll get the best of 10 years worth of journal entries that T. J. made every time he discovered a unique secret that produced massive cash flow and…
a huge windfall of profits!
T. J. took over 60 pounds of journals that were filled with the best
marketing ideas he had discovered — AND BOILED THEM DOWN to the best-of-the-best only. No filler – no fluff – just the very best ideas that produced millions in sales and profits. When he was done — the number of entries came to 1,068… And now you can profit from all of them…
Here are just a few of the 1068 wealth-making secrets you’ll discover in RUTHLESS MARKETING:
* SECRET #17: How to make your product or service ‘seem’ new and totally revolutionary – even when it’s not! Get 3 secrets on tape #1
* SECRET #33: How one marketer loses MILLIONS of dollars every single month – and still getting super rich! Go to Tape #1
* SECRET #46: A simple way to get rich with your Web-Site… and almost nobody is doing it! Play tape #1
* SECRET #57: What the porno industry can teach you about getting rich with your product or service. Tape #1
* SECRET #70: A new way to use the ‘pile-on technique’ that makes herds of hungry prospects almost beg you to take their money! Tape #2
* SECRET #92: 3 time-tested ways to create an explosion of profits in your business! Tape #2
* SECRET #102: Why you don’t need something new to make huge sums of money…
Just play Tape #2
* SECRET #127: Why some markets can make you a millionaire in no time flat! And where to find them! Just plug in Tape #2
* SECRET #201: The secret of power-positioning – to get the maximum number of people to want to give you more of their money… Tape #3
* SECRET #158: The bait and the mousetrap strategy – and how it’s making some people millions of dollars… You could be next! Play Tape #3
* SECRET #166: How to attract hoards of eager prospects who are pre-disposed to doing business with you and only YOU. Listen to tape #3
* SECRET #215: The amazing NO-RISK WAY to never lose a single dime on every new marketing idea you test… Play Tape #4.
* SECRET #249: The secret of ‘reverse engineering’ and how many people are using it to bring in millions of dollars… Tape #5
* SECRET #230: The easy way to double or even triple your business in almost no time… THIS SECRET WORKS LIKE MAGIC! Listen to Tape #5
* SECRET #271: Where to get an army of people who make money for you night and day… and it’s dirt-cheap! Tape #5
* SECRET #288: How the ‘MAGIC PILL’ can make you a millionaire! Tape #5
* SECRET #307: Why ‘ugly’ is better… And why making your sales material look like a ‘TRAIN WRECK’ can make it pull like crazy! Go to Tape #6!
* SECRET #307: How DE-HYPNOTIZING your prospects and customers will get more of them to give you their money… Listen to Tape #6
* SECRET #349: The leverage power method to lose money on 9 out of 10 ideas and still make millions in pure profit… Listen to Tape #7
* SECRET #373: How attract rabid buyers! Go to Tape #7
* SECRET #465: What every beautiful woman knows about the law of supply and demand that can be worth a fortune to you! Tape #10
* SECRET #487: The 500-year old secret of Shakespeare that can get your customers excited about giving you more money! Go to tape #11
* SECRET #497: What causes many multi-millionaires to lose huge sums of money and bounce back fast? The answer can make you set for life! Get it on Tape #11
* SECRET #526: The honest, moral, and ethical way to squeeze every last dollar of disposable income out of your market! Yes, you’ll drain it dry and still sleep like a baby! Listen to Tape #12
* SECRET #553: How ‘confusion’ is your BIGGEST money-making tool! In fact, this can make you more money than anything else! Go to Tape #12
* SECRET #564: Why Price Buyers Are Whores! And how to instantly increase your profits by avoiding them for good! Listen to Tape #13
* SECRET #653: Why you must be a little lazy to get super rich! Tape #14
I could go on and on…
What you have just read is only a small sample of the exciting hard-nosed information on these TEN SOLID HOURS of tape! If you truly want to make the largest amount of money, as fast as possible – then getting the cutting-edge information in this amazing Program is CRUCIAL!
But there’s more!
You see, when you order RUTHLESS MARKETING right now with the special offer I’m about to make you, you’ll also get this very valuable gift…
This special edition is still being finished as I write this… T.J. has been working for the last 3 years on it… It contains over 1,697 more powerful marketing secrets to dominate your market.
‘RUTHLESS MARKETING, Volume #2’ will sell for $285.00 – but for a limited time, you’ll get it absolutely free!
are like having the greatest marketing minds on call 24-hours a day, 7-days a week, 365 days a year!
If you want a fast, simple, and easy way to get the greatest secrets that are making others millions of dollars, RUTHLESS MARKETING is for you!
Send for this Program now and you’ll get a massive collection of the best tips, tricks, and strategies that the world’s richest marketers have used to make their fortune. No holds barred. This program reveals it all…
O.K., you might be asking; ‘can I be absolutely sure this Program will make money for me?’ THE ANSWER IS YES!! In fact, I am completely guaranteeing your success… Yes, you’ll use the 1068 secrets in RUTHLESS MARKETING to produce at least 100-times what you paid for it in the next 12 months, or you won’t risk a penny…
You must get at least $29,900.00 in extra profit you never would have seen without this Program… If you don’t, I’ll refund the cost of this Program to you and let you keep all 3 valuable Bonus Gifts – worth $577.50.
So how do you get started?
That’s the easy part:
1. You get this complete “secret system” that contains the hottest methods that are proven to rake in millions of dollars. You’ll start with the original volume of 1068 of greatest secrets that took self-made millionaire T.J. Rohleder OVER ONE DECADE to discover…
2. PLUS, you’ll get two complete audio cassette tape albums with a total of 10-FULL HOURS OF HARD-HITTING MATERIAL on how to make a fortune with just some of these 1068 secrets!
3. PLUS, if you order before the red-stamped date on the enclosed order form, you get THE 3-SUPER BONUS GIFTS, including the brand new never-before-released RUTHLESS MARKETING Volume #2…for FREE!
You get it all for the low, low investment of $299.
That’s 70% OFF the regular cost!
Yes, the regular cost for RUTHLESS MARKETING is $997. But because T.J. knows how serious Bill Glazer and Dan Kenedy’s Clients are about making money…
he agreed to SLASH the cost by 70%…
You’ll save 70% and receive ALL 3 OF THESE FREE GIFTS you’ll profit from for many years:
FREE BONUS #1: A $285.00 Value, Yours FREE!
You’ll Get The Mega-Powerful New
This Program picks up where the original volume left off! It contains 1,697 more of the greatest tips, tricks, and strategies that have made other people millions of dollars! Although it will sell for $285.00 – it will be yours – as a very special bonus gift – absolutely free!
FREE BONUS #2: A $97.50 Value, Yours FREE!
This Audio Program and very Special Report show you how to turn little and even no money into a huge fortune! T.J. takes you by the hand and tells you how he has made many millions of dollars with this simple secret! In fact, you’ll pop in the audio tape and look over the report to discover how just one 5-minute phone call in the fall of 1997 made T.J. well OVER FIVE MILLION DOLLARS! It’s yours absolutely free!
FREE BONUS #3: A $195.00 Value, Yours FREE!
This is the best of the best of special materials that other marketers are using to make millions of dollars… Just crack this open to quickly swipe some of their best ideas for your own marketing… This is the fast and easy short-cut way to quickly and easily produce your own power-packed marketing materials! It is also yours free!
But to get these 3-Bonus Gifts worth $577.50 – you must hurry!
This offer is only good until the red-stamped date on the order form… After that, you may not be able to get the 70% savings on this complete RUTHLESS MARKETING program an you won’t get the three FREE bonus gifts…
So order now. You can use your VISA, Master Card, American Express, Discover, and FAX your order directly from Bill Glazer right now – and he’ll RUSH your huge money-making package to you tomorrow morning!
Listen, RUTHLESS MARKETING is the next best thing to spending TEN FULL YEARS pouring through hundreds of books, attending Seminars, networking with millionaire marketers, spending thousands of dollars on consultants and testing all the different ideas to find out what works best and what doesn’t… And now you can get it for a full savings of 70% OFF the regular price, and…
receive the three valuable FREE Bonus Gifts to boot!
The small investment of $299 is a painless drop-in-the-bucket compared to the money you’ll lose over your lifetime without these powerful wealth-making secrets. Looking at it that way…
You Really Can’t Afford NOT To Invest In This Program.
Don’t you think you owe it to yourself to move on this incredible opportunity? YES IT IS! Take action now, while it’s fresh on your mind.
So making your order right now and Bill will RUSH this to you tomorrow! Or if you prefer, simply mail the No-Risk Acceptance Form below.
Don’t put this off… you’re worth it. All the money you’ve ever wanted is just around the corner! Soon you can have all the secrets you need to be a truly ‘Ruthless Marketer’ and make more money with less effort!
Sincerely Yours,
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