From a millionaire copywriter who flunked English classes and didn’t even graduate from high school…
“How I used the amazing secrets of Dan Kennedy,
Bill Glazer, and a handful of other wise marketing gurus you’ve never heard of to write powerful sales letters that have brought me well over $100 MILLION DOLLARS in Direct-Mail sales….
And How YOU Can Use My Rare And Unusual System To Do Even Better!!”
Read this short letter NOW – to discover how easy it is to get my
the amazing power to make you financially set for life!
Dear Friend,
Perhaps you don’t know it yet, but You are just one sales letter away from millions of dollars.
IT’S TRUE — just one good Direct-Mail letter will let you deposit massive sums of money into your bank account. AND I CAN HELP YOU WRITE THIS LETTER, LIKE FEW OTHERS CAN. Hi, my name is T.J. Rohleder and I’ve been a long-time client of Dan Kennedy…
and Bill Glazers and a serious and somewhat COMPULSIVE and OBSESSIVE marketing student for over 20 years, now turned teacher…
Here’s my CLAIM TO FAME in a nutshell: my wife and partner, Eileen, started our Direct Marketing company in 1988 with only a few hundred dollars that we got from selling a beat up 1985 Chevy van — and (with the help of many experts) turned it into over ten million dollars within our first five years… Then we went onto bringing in over $100,000,000.00 in mostly Direct-Mail sales within 19 years… AND NOW, with your permission…
I will freely share my greatest
little-known $100-MILLION DOLLAR
I’ll tell you about this in a minute. But FIRST; If I’m right about you, then you are already a serious student of marketing. If so, you probably already know a great deal about many aspects of Direct-Mail and the basic strategies and methods of writing ad copy that sells…
SO WHY LISTEN TO ME? After all, I’m not a big-time marketing guru like Dan Kennedy, Bill Glazer and Jay Abraham. In fact, I’m just an ordinary guy who lives in the middle of nowhere
(just grab a map and try to find my headquarters in Goessel Kansas!) and I still spend many thousands of dollars a year on a wide variety of books, CD’s, seminars, and consulting programs, to further my own education…
But this is EXACTLY why you should listen to EVERY MINUTE of my 23 hour
You see, once you spend some quality time with me on this audio program, YOU WILL JUMP FOR JOY and scream; “If that guy can write sales letters that bring in tens of millions of dollars, THEN I CAN DO IT, TOO!” You’ll be right… You really can.
Listen; I am LIVING PROOF that anyone — including YOU — can write sales letters that bring in massive sums of money. As you’ll see when we meet; I’m the most average guy on the planet, with NONE of the qualities that you may think it takes to become a great copywriter who can write sales letters that pull in millions of dollars a year…
But because I am no genius – then I am the perfect person to show you how to write your own ads and sales letters that bring in huge sums of sales and profits!
I’LL PROVE THIS TO YOU by the time you finish this letter.
So let’s get right to it…
You are cordially invited to send for this program — AT ZERO RISK — and get ALL FOUR DAYS worth of these UN-EDITED WORKSHOPS that are on this powerful Program – so I can give you my all-time greatest tips, tricks and strategies that give you the power to write sales letters that bring you huge sums of money!
As you’ll see, I have learned from the world’s most brilliant marketing experts, such as Dan Kennedy, Bill Glazer, Russ von Hoelscher, Bob Stone, Gene Swartz, Dick Benson, Jay…
Abraham, Gary Halbert, Alan R. Bechtold, Joe Sugerman, Ted Thomas, Joe Polish, Ron LeGrand, Yanic Silver, Jeff Paul, Dave Dee and John Carlton, and dozens of other truly great marketers who you have probably never heard of, but are razor sharp and have taught me so much. I have been like A GIANT SPONGE and spent a fortune of my own money to discover the best-of-the-best of all the brightest marketing gurus – to develop my new COPYWRITING SYSTEM that I can’t wait to give you!
>> This amazing new Copywriting System may very well be THE WORLD’S EASIEST SYSTEM EVER DEVELOPED for writing powerful ads and sales letters… FOR EXAMPLE:
You will receive my EASY TO UNDERSTAND 8-Step Formula that is THE FOUNDATION behind my entire System for writing ads and sales letters that can make you set for life… As you’ll discover – these steps are kindergarten-easy and can make you a fortune.
Just how easy are these eight steps?
That’s simple: You will do the very first step within
the first hour of receiving my Program. I’ll make it EASY
and even FUN for you to take this first step… And once
you take this first step, the rest of them all fall down like
a set of dominoes…
My 8-step System is easy to understand and simple
to use. As you’ll see; it has the power to give you an endless
sum of money and a lifetime of fulfillment that you will
experience when you become a great copywriter and
develop the ability to write ads and sales letters that
instantly pull in thousands or even millions of dollars. I’ll tell you more about these steps before we wrap up this letter. But for right now let me tell you how my unique System came to be…
Here’s how I developed my
It all began in February of 2005…
That was the year Bill Glazer asked me to deliver a roundtable presentation about writing copy that sells — at the annual SuperConference he holds with Dan Kennedy… I quickly
agreed and did it without one note or any real thought about what I’d say to the group… But those who were there got a lot out of it.
Then in 2007, Bill asked me to do it again… This time there would be 1,000 people at the SuperConference, and I couldn’t wait to share the best-of-the-best of my all-time greatest tips, tricks and strategies! So three weeks before…
the conference, I pulled out a legal pad and began making a list of the very best copywriting
secrets I had discovered since I wrote my first ad in 1988… After one week, I had filled up
4 legal pads and 273 secrets… This list was boiled down again and again until by the time I got to Chicago, it was under thirty… That list was still too long. So I sat there in my hotel room and asked myself; ‘What were the most essential elements that gave me the power to write ads and sales letters that had consistently brought in so much money?”
I asked this question over and over and the answers became crystal clear. AND…
By the time of my presentation on the second evening of the SuperConference, I had the list down to EIGHT very simple to understand and easy to use steps that anyone
– including YOU – can use to become a great copywriter and start writing ads and sales letters that pull in huge sums of never-ending money that keeps growing bigger!
I am so grateful that Bill and Dan allowed me to share my greatest copywriting secrets at their last SuperConference. This FORCED me to think about all of the greatest secrets and methods that have empowered me to become the very best Direct-Response Marketing Copywriter I can be and generate over $100,000,000.00 in mostly Direct-Mail sales in less than 19 years….
And NOW I am ready, willing, and able to give you these explosive wealth-making secrets!
The time-tested tips, tricks, and little-known strategies and methods you’ll get when you receive my powerful $100-MILLION DOLLAR COPYWRITING SYSTEM will empower you to become the very best Copywriter you can become and start writing profit-producing ads and sales letters that generate huge sums of money!
My 8-Step Copywriting System is so simple and easy to use that a high-school freshman can do it. And yet these eight simple steps have generated over $100,000,000.00 in Direct-Mail sales for me and can be worth a huge fortune to you!
I will make it interesting and fun for you to listen to ALL FOUR DAYS of recorded Workshops … and discover ALL of my greatest time-tested tips, tricks, and strategies that can lead to a lifetime of fulfillment and money for you…
And speaking of fulfillment…
What is EVEN GREATER than the money you can make is knowing that you have the power to sit down and write some words that instantly make people thrilled to send their money to you. Knowing that you can do this WHENEVER YOU WANT, is even more…
exciting than the money!
Imagine how it will feel to wake up in the morning and know
for a fact that you had the ability to do a few hours of writing that caused thousands of people to give you their money.
GO AHEAD. PICTURE THIS, NOW: You could wake up any morning of the week and get an idea to sell some product or service. Then you’d simply use the short-cut secrets you’ll get from me to write an ad or sales letter that made people pull out their checkbooks or credit cards and RUSH their money to you… Then within a few weeks from the time you wrote it, huge sums of money had came pouring in…
Can you picture this? Good. Because this is the type of power that every good Copywriter feels. It’s the powerful feeling of CERTAINTY that YOU WILL HAVE when you know how to write powerful copy that make huge sums of money whenever you want.
Dan Kennedy says: “The ability to write good Direct-Response Marketing copy is the single greatest skill you can ever learn.” He’s right. I thank God that people like Dan and many other gifted Copywriters taught me the secrets to writing great copy… And now I want to spend 23 HOURS giving you the best-of-the-best of all the secrets that have taken me from a few hundred dollars to over one hundred million dollars in less than nineteen years! It’s all available for you when you get my $100-MILLION DOLLAR COPYWRITING SYSTEM that you will get when you say ‘YES!’ to this invitation. As you’ll see – the eight main Steps are the foundation of everything you need to know…
But wait – that’s just the beginning…
Here Are My TOP-10
You Will Discover When You Receive
My Powerful Copywriting System:
Secret #1 –
A major shortcut secret for writing ads and sales letters that can make you GIANT sums of money!
This is a copywriting formula that is so simple a 12-year-old can use it to write SUPER PROFITABLE ads and sales letters. But I’ve made even easier for you! Yes, my system for using this simple copywriters formula will make it super easy for you to quickly start turning out powerful and profitable ads and sales letters from day one! This is a major shortcut secret for writing ads and sales letters that can make you GIANT sums of money! Best of all, it’s so simple to understand and easy to use – you will be shocked and amazed! Once you get this secret, you will be empowered for life. You will now have the ability to begin easily writing ads and sales letters that make you GIANT sums of money! This one secret alone is a major shortcut that…
you can use to instantly start writing great ads and sales letters like an old pro from day one.
Secret #2 –
I will blow the lid off of what I firmly believe
is the single greatest copywriting secret that hardly anyone talks about, and yet all of the world’s greatest copywriters use. Once you are armed with this secret, you will have the ability
to write the same type of powerful ad copy
that the world’s best copywriters write!
That’s a BOLD statement, I know. But I will prove this to you! In face, as you’ll see, once you have this secret you will have the ability to write ads and sales letters that are just as powerful as any ad or sales letter that was written for you by one of the most highly paid copywriters on the planet! Yes, it’s amazing but true! This secret lets you instantly turn out powerful ads and sales letters that are as good or even better than the ads and sales letters from some of the highest paid copywriters on the planet!
This one secret alone is worth more than the entire cost of my $100-MILLION COPYWRITING SYSTEM. Once you know it, you will never think about expensive copywriters the same way – ever again. Why? Because this secret takes the mystery out of what those super-expensive freelancers do to get their clients to stand in line with fistfuls of dollars. Once you understand this secret, you will have the same power they have. This will not only save you tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars in freelance copywriting fees, but it can also be worth many hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars to you.
Secret #3 –
This simple secret gives you a tremendous edge over all of the other copywriters who are just getting started, by avoiding the biggest mistake that almost all new copywriters make. This is another secret that very few people know. Those who do know and use this secret have discovered the fastest and easiest way to write powerful ad copy that sells like crazy! Those who do not know this simple secret will always be handicapped.
Writing powerful Direct Response ads and sales letters will always be a huge burden and constant struggle until and unless you understand secret number three. With this secret, you will not only be able to quickly and easily write the most powerful ads and sales letters right away, but you’ll also get the most enjoyment out of it!
Yes, this secret makes the job of writing ads and sales letters one of the most enjoyable and fulfilling things you’ll ever do! You will be super excited when you learn this amazing secret! This will make your job of writing ads and sales letters so much more fun! While other new copywriters are filled with tremendous frustration, you’ll be having the time of your life and making a ton of money to boot!
Secret #4 –
Gene Schwartz’s hidden secret for writing powerful sales letters that brought in many tens of millions of dollars – and can do the same for you!
As you may know, Gene Schwartz was arguably one of the greatest Direct Response Marketing copywriters who ever lived. His sales letters brought in many tens of millions of dollars and had a magical quality to them that you seldom see in any other sales letters.
Gene has been gone for a number of years now, but he left some of his greatest secrets behind in a few of the books he wrote and interviews he gave. It was during one such interview he gave that I discovered one of his amazing copywriting secrets that has been worth a fortune to me – and can make you a ton of money, too! This secret was only one small sentence in an interview he gave with Cecil C. Hoge, Sr. in the early 1980’s – and yet it is absolute proof that just one idea can be worth millions of dollars. This one idea has and is making me a ton of money. I have never heard any other copywriter talk about it, and it was only briefly mentioned in the interview. And yet, once you hear this amazingly simple secret and understand why it is so powerful, you will be as shocked as I was! I can’t wait to reveal this one secret to you! But that’s not all! I have a valuable collection of several of Gene Swartz’s best sales letters in my own personal swipe file – and I will reprint them for you and give them to you when you send for my $100-MILLION COPYWRITING SYSTEM! I have only given the copies of these sales letters to a few of my closest friends and mentors. They are very rare and highly valuable, you’ll see. And now I will give them to you as a 100% FREE bonus gift!
Secret #5 –
How a goofy little guy from Florida gave me the single greatest copywriting secret I have ever discovered. I paid this guy $8,000.00 cash – and only got this one secret – but it has been worth millions to me. Now I can’t wait to give it to you!
In 1994 I paid a freelance copywriter to help me with my sales letters and marketing. He stayed here at the house for two days and walked way with $8,000.00 of my money. At first I felt cheated. Why? Because all he did was sit at our kitchen table and told us one story after…
another about his previous life as a marketer. He had lots of great stories, but it wasn’t worth
$8,000.00 cash to hear them. But he did teach me one very valuable ting about writing sales letters that sell. I couldn’t get it out of my mind. It is a powerful copywriting technique that goes AGAINST almost everything that most copywriting experts tell you to do. Anyway, this was the only good idea I got for the $8,000.00 we gave the expert…
I began using this radical copywriting technique on my next sales letter – and got a much higher response rate than any sales letter I had ever written in a fast period of time. That’s right – this amazing $8,000.00 secret gives you the power to write ads and sales letters even FASTER than ever before. With it, your sales letters will not only come together quicker, but they will be so much more powerful! I can’t wait to reveal this secret to you! It makes writing sales letters much more enjoyable, faster, and much more powerful!
What’s more, chances are very good that you will not discover this secret anywhere else. Remember, this secret is a copywriting method that goes directly against what most experts teach – and yet it works like magic! You will be amazed at the way this one secret lets you write faster sales letters that bring you more money and are so much easier to write.
One final note: I have been using this $8,000.00 secret since 1994 and have added many of my own powerful ideas to it. Because of this, this amazing secret is many times STRONGER than the original technique I paid $8,000.00 cash to receive. This one secret alone will put you LIGHT YEARS ahead of most of the copywriters in your market. Armed with this one secret alone, you will begin writing super FAST sales letters that bring in more money than any other sales letter you have EVER written.
Secret #6 –
A radical new copywriting technique that makes writing sales letters and follow-up sequences faster and easier than ever before! This million-dollar copywriting secret could easily make you more money than all the rest! It will make writing powerful sales letters so much more fun and exciting! It also lets you write faster sales letters that have more pulling power than ever before!
These are mighty bold promises and I don’t blame you for being skeptical about this – AND YET, it just so happens to be true! This sixth secret is a living example of the old phrase: “One thing leads to another!” You see, I discovered the first part of this secret back in 1994 when I paid the expert from Florida $8,000.00 cash to come to our home and help us with our marketing. He gave me one idea of real lasting value by coming here – so I will always be very grateful for his help. And as I already told you, I began using his against-the-grain copywriting technique right away and saw a huge jump in my response rate from day one!
But I didn’t stop there…
I kept pushing the idea and ended up EXPANDING it into all aspects of my copywriting. The more I did to expand this simple idea, the more money my sales letters made. But not only that, I was also producing more sales letters than ever before and they were much more fun to write! This one secret that I paid eight thousand dollars to receive ended up becoming THE MAJOR FOUNDATION of my entire philosophy of writing super powerful ads and sales letters.
As you’ll see, this is also one of the most radically different
and somewhat controversial copywriting techniques that I have to teach you. It definitely goes against many things that most copywriters teach, and yet it works like magic!
You will use this radical idea to write more ads and sales letters, much faster, and with more ease than ever before! No other copywriter on the planet that I know of teaches this radical approach to writing powerful ads and sales letters. You will get it from me – for the first and quite possibly only time – by listening to ALL FOUR DAYS of these powerful Workshops.
Secret #7 –
The fastest, simplest, and easiest way to start writing the most powerful ads or sales letters.
The BIGGEST PROBLEM for most people is getting started. They are totally confused and filled with frustration. Even experienced copywriters who know how to write ads and sales letters that bring in huge sums of money find it difficult to get started on a new project. They find all kinds of ways to put off writing the ads or Direct Mail packages that they know will bring in more money.
Is this you? Have you tried to write ads and sales letters in the past and been “vapor locked” and totally confused about where or how to start? If so, I know how you feel. I spent many years HATING the process of starting on a new ad or sales letter. During these periods, I suffered from a tremendous amount of confusion and frustration.
The bottom line: I just didn’t know how it was all going to come together. There were way too many questions and not enough answers. The whole job seemed way too BIG and I became totally immobilized. But then I found the golden solution to getting started in any new project – and now I can’t wait to give it to you!
Once you have this golden solution, you will never be confused or frustrated ever again! The entire process of writing a long-form ad or sales letter or entire follow-up sequence will be simple and easy to do. Instead of being confused and frustrated, you will be super excited and ready to go! My golden jump-start solution will totally liberate you! With it, you will have a… major advantage over many seasoned return copywriters who still quietly struggle through all kinds of confusion and pain with each new sales letter they write. This amazing solution will make you excited about getting started on all of the new ads and sales letters you write. You will have a lot of fun and end up cranking out one great sales letter after another!
Wait until you fully understand the power of this incredible secret! If you really want to become a great copywriter who consistently cranks out one powerful sales letter after another, then this will be the most exciting secret you will discover when you listen to ALL 23 HOURS of my $100-MILLION COPYWRITING SYSTEM!
Secret #8 –
The little-known secret to cranking out the most powerful ads and sales letters from day one!
In fact, you will sit back, re-read your ads and sales letters, and be SHOCKED and amazed! You’ll find yourself saying things like, “I can’t believe I wrote this!” But you did write it and you were able to do it with the simple to understand and easy system that took me years to discover. And now,
I will generously share it with you!
Most people who are new to copywriting are intimidated by it. They look at the ads and sales letters that are written by the masters and say, “There’s no way I could ever do that!” The more they read these ads and sales letters, listen to recordings, and read books on copywriting, the more overwhelmed they are. Is this you? Have you been a bait overwhelmed by the seemingly endless number of new things you have to learn? If so, I have great news for you. I can show you the golden secret that will let you start writing powerful and persuasive ads and sales letters that get people super excited and want to send their money to you!
I suffered through many years of frustration and confusion
before I learned the secret to writing super persuasive sales copy. But once I did discover this secret, my ads and sales letters began to bring in massive sums of money! The same thing will happen to you once you discover the secret!
I don’t blame you for being skeptical about this. I would be, too, if I were you. And yet, what I have to tell you really is a secret. It’s something that I suffered for many years before I discovered it. During this period of suffering, I was still writing ads and sales letters that brought in millions of dollars. But I absolutely HATED the entire process of getting started and having to figure out how I was going to create the most persuasive sales presentation that made my prospects super excited about pulling out their checkbooks or credit cards and RUSHING their money to me. There was so much pain and confusion…so many frustrating days where my sales copy sucked…and I knew it! And yet, I didn’t know what to do to make my sales pitch come alive with the kind of power and passion I saw in other sales letters that were written by master copywriters. All this changed when I discovered the simple copywriting process I will give you. With my secret, you will be cranking out the most powerful ads and sales letters from day one!
And one more thing: This really is a “secret.” You see, even though other copywriters have talked about it in their books – nobody that I know of has ever developed it to the degree I have. You’ll know this for a fact when you get my Copywriting System. Then, within a few weeks after you receive it, you will be thrilled to see how much more powerful and persuasive all of your ads and sales letters are and how much money they are making you!
Secret #9 –
The secret we discovered by accident that took us from $300.00 in 1988 to over $10,000,000.00 in less than five years. I will tell you the full story
of this amazing secret – and you will be thrilled
to discover how simple and easy it is!
This one secret has enabled us to bring in over $100-million in Direct Mail sales more than anything I have to share with you. In fact, if you came to me and said, “Give me a handful of your greatest secrets that can put millions of dollars in my pocket,” this would be at the top of my list. Like so many other methods I teach, this one is very simple and yet nobody that I know of is teaching it! That’s right. I have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on a wide variety of books, CDs, newsletters, seminars, teleseminars, coaching programs, and one-on-one consulting and coaching services – and nobody has ever revealed this very simple marketing strategy that has been responsible for bringing in an ever-growing flow of money. This is shocking to me – and will be to you, too!
However, because it is such a powerful secret and because nobody else that I know of is teaching it to others or stressing
the importance of it, then the fact that you are using it
will give you a major advantage over your competitors!
This one secret alone can and will make you huge sums of money that none of your competitors are making. It will spur you on by keeping you focused and making sure that there is always plenty of money that is constantly flowing in to you. This secret may be very simple to understand and easy to use, but it will make you massive sums of money when you put it into action. And speaking of action, that’s the best news yet. You see, this secret will only take 90 minutes a week to do. That’s it! In just a little over one hour each week, you will be using a very simple secret that hardly anyone knows about and is using correctly. (That’s why it’s a secret!) And you will have a genuine competitive advantage over them, as well as the power to put so much more money in your bank account! Thanks to this one secret, the money just keeps
flowing in forever and can continue getting bigger!
Secret #10 –
The single greatest copywriting secret I learned from the legendary marketing guru, Gary Halbert – that instantly made me a powerful copywriter and let me write my all-time greatest sales letter that brought in many millions of dollars.
I learned so many great things from Gary Halbert. The man was a true genius. I first subscribed to Gary’s newsletter in the early 1990’s. I didn’t just read each newsletter; I devoured it! There were always one or two great ideas that I could add to my marketing and make more money before the next issue arrived. Gary was a great teacher and I am so grateful for the newsletters he published and the seminars he held. He was a passionate man who freely shared his greatest marketing ideas with his clients. And (especially in the early 1990’s) there were so many powerful cutting-edge tips, tricks, and strategies that were taught! Some monthly issues were truly mind-blowing! But out of all the amazing secrets Gary shared in his newsletter, one of them has made me more money than all the others combined!
That’s right. Just one “secret” that Gary Halbert revealed in just one issue of his newsletter in the early 1990’s has been worth far more money than all of the rest of them! THIS ONE SECRET IS TRULY BRILLIANT! It is so simple – and yet it has literally been worth millions of dollars to me. And it can be worth a HUGE FORTUNE to you, too! I can’t wait to reveal this to you because I know that this one secret (if you use it like I did) can instantly make you a very powerful copywriter in no time flat!
Gary is the only marketing expert that I know of who EVER taught this amazing secret.
Once you hear it and begin using it, you will be transformed!
Yes, it’s that powerful! In fact,
You can start using this secret the very next day after
I give it to you – and you’ll start to see instant results!
Yes, from the very first day you use this very simple, but explosively powerful copywriting secret, you will instantly begin to notice a difference! Keep doing it for a few months like I did and you will become a very powerful copywriter in no time flat! Best of all, it takes less than 45 minutes a day and it is fun and easy to do! I can’t wait to share this amazing secret to becoming a powerful copywriter with you! If this were the only secret that you got from my $100-MILLION DOLLAR COPYWRITING SYSTEM … and you actually used it …
then it would be worth the entire cost. Yes, this very simple shortcut secret is that powerful!
But there’s more! Much, much more…
You see, I have been collecting the best-of-the-best of all the marketing and copywriting secrets I have ever discovered… Over the years, my list has grown to THOUSANDS of the greatest tips, tricks, and strategies… And now I have BOILED THEM ALL DOWN for you!
Here is just a small sample of additional secrets
that will now be yours:
> The #1 thing you can do right now to make more money than your closest competitor. This copywriting technique lets you quickly leapfrog over every other competitor in your market and attract the best prospective buyers to you. (Most of your competitors would be too afraid to use this).
The two emotional triggers that make you more money than all the others combined – and how to use this powerful DOUBLE COMBINATION in every ad or sales letter you write. Focusing your entire sales messages at these two emotional hot-buttons will instantly make every ad or sales letter you write so much more powerful! And I’ll make it super easy for you to do this!
What those drugged-out looking heavy metal rock and roll bands that sell 40-million albums taught me about writing killer advertising copy that has been worth millions to me – and can be worth a fortune to you! You’ve seen pictures of those skinny long-haired hard rock superstars who are worth tens or even hundreds of millions of dollars, right? Well, here’s the thing to think about… Many of these rock stars are not very good musicians. And yet they’re world-famous and laughing all the way to the bank. They own fleets of Rolls Royce cars and jet-set around the world – even though some of them can only play 3 or 4 chords!
What does this have to do with writing ads and sales letters that can make you super rich? Keep that question in mind when you listen to my $100-MILLION COPYWRITING SYSTEM! The answer could be worth a fortune to you!
> The 5 most important strategies you must think about before you write a single word of copy…
FREE BONUS!! I’ll give you a small wall poster with ALL FIVE of these important strategies on it! You can quickly go over them before you start.
> The secret that newbie copywriters can use to write powerful ads and sales letters that rock! This one secret alone can quickly double or triple the
pulling power of any ad or sales letter you write! This is another CUTTING-EDGE method
that would scare the hell out of most of your competitors, but will give you a tremendous edge. This lets copywriting newbies write killer copy from day one!
> How to GUARANTEE that every ad
or sales letter you write is super profitable… before you even run it!
> How to ethically steal the greatest multi-million dollar selling ideas from other marketers! This is a ruthless marketing tactic that almost all veteran copywriters use, but few will even admit it. But I will BLOW the lid off this amazing secret and show you how to use it to quickly make all of your ads and sales letters bring in HUGE sums of money!
The #1 thing people are looking for and willing to spend a ton of money to receive…and yet hardly anyone is giving it to them. This alone will put you light years ahead of your competitors.
> The 4 radically different steps to creating irresistible offers that drive your prospective buyers crazy! Get these four things right and they’ll practically stand in line and beg you to take their money. Add these four ingredients to any sales letter you write and instantly bring in up to 10-times more money.
3 easy things you can do to make the words you write practically JUMP OFF THE PAGE OR COMPUTER … pull people in … and make them want to buy. These are the TOP-3 secrets of the most persuasive copywriters and how you can instantly use them right away the most persuasive copy that makes people want to give you their money.
> The world’s oldest offer that still pulls in money like magic!
How most copywriters are killing their sales
…and don’t even know it.
> The dirty dark secret of human nature that all great copywriters know but are ashamed to admit.
> The ethical way to use the secret power of “negative manipulation” to pressure people into sending their money to you right away! I will prove to you that more people buy for NEGATIVE emotional reasons than positive ones – and teach you the art and science of directing your sales letters to the three biggest negative emotions. Most copywriters either don’t know how to do this or are too afraid to do it. Because of this, using this one powerful technique will give your ads and sales letters much more pulling power than all the other ads and sales letters your best prospects and customers are reading right now.
The secret you can use to discover your
make you the maximum sum of money!
> The safest marketing system you can use that virtually GUARANTEES you’ll make the largest number of sales and profits.
How to develop a marketing system that cranks out money
like a well-oiled money machine!
> The 3 quick things you can do to increase the value of your customer database.
What you can add to your sales letter that makes people feel foolish if they don’t order.
> English teachers of the world be damned! Discover why even the world’s worst speller who only knows a few hundred words can still write ads and sales letters that generate millions of dollars!
> The one thing that millions are starving for … and almost nobody is giving them. This is another easy strategy that can put MASSIVE AMOUNTS of money in your bank account.
> The little-known secret to convert the maximum number of leads to sales. (Almost nobody is doing this!)
> How to charge more money than you ever thought possible – and make people happy to give it to you.
> The FASTEST, SIMPLEST, and EASIEST way to separate yourself from every other competitor. This one secret will add tremendous power to every ad or sales letter you write!
> The shocking, but true reason why the last thing you should ever think about is the product or service you are selling. This one secret alone will set you apart from all of your competitors. It will give you tremendous power to dominate your market!
> Why too much dependence on freelance copywriters can be very dangerous to your business. I can’t wait to tell you why you must BREAK FREE of your dependency on freelancers. PLUS, how you can let the BEST freelance copywriters help you for the LEAST amount of money.
> A powerful copywriting secret from the world of rock-n-roll! I will give you one of the greatest secrets from one of the world’s most successful rock stars! This superstar has written over 500 songs, has made tens of millions of dollars, and is famous all over the world. His #1 secret to writing more songs in one year than most stars write in a lifetime has been worth HUGE sums of money to me. Now, I will see to it that YOU cash-in with this powerful secret!
> The 4 main ingredients of a powerful marketing system that cranks out MASSIVE PROFITS automatically. You put these four things into motion – then push the button – and the money comes flowing to you and never stops! Once you have these 4 elements in place – you can easily build your own powerful marketing system that cranks out an endless flow of money that KEEPS GROWING BIGGER!
> What every successful flea market operator instinctively knows that will instantly double the pulling power of every ad or sales letter you write! (This was the most important “lesson” Dan Kennedy gave us at one of our Platinum Member meetings. NOW I CAN’T WAIT TO REVEAL IT TO YOU!)
> FOUR STEPS to become a master marketer – and why most people are scared to death to do them.
> The little-known strategy for sucking the maximum amount of money from your customer database! This simple strategy never fails! It’s so simple and easy – yet only 1 in 10,000 marketers are using it.
>> A new twist on the 80/20 rule
that will make you mega-bux.
> What does great copywriting and show business have…
in common? The answer will make you a fortune!
> How to get rich with the wildest and craziest – and even stupidest ideas!
The best ideas that can make you the most money are often the wildest and craziest ones. I’LL PROVE THIS TO YOU. Plus, I’ll show you how to make the largest amount of money with these wild and crazy ideas!
> How to cash-in from the moneymaking power of “Operation MoneySuck!”
> A powerful copywriting secret from the king of fear! The secret that best-selling superstar writer, Stephen King has used to sell millions of books can be your golden key to making massive amounts of money writing your own ads and sales letters!
FREE BONUS!! I have printed this secret out on a small wall poster that you can keep next to you while you are writing your million-dollar ads and sales letters!
Why the #1 rule in public speaking is also the golden secret to writing sales letters that can make you rich.
> Why you do not have to be a great copywriter to write ads and sales letters that pull in huge amounts of money. You will be shocked to discover the reason why even bad copywriters are sometimes able to make a fortune… You may become so excited when you hear this secret – you will have a hard time getting to sleep!
> Why many popular copywriting formulas being marketed today absolutely suck! And why your sales letters will always be much more powerful without using them. (Nobody has ever revealed this secret… until now!)
> And much, much more! You’ll get EVERYTHING I have
discovered about writing powerful ads and sales letters that…
bring in huge sums of money! Nothing will be held back.
THE BOTTOM LINE: I went through so many years of painful confusion and struggle to discover these powerful shortcut copywriting secrets that have brought me tens of millions of dollars in Direct Mail sales. Now you will get the best-of-the-best of everything I have learned in two fun-filled days. Now you won’t have to go through any of the pain, confusion, and struggle I had to go through to cash-in with these secrets.
These Are Secrets You Won’t Get Anywhere Else.
Most of the copywriting programs I have invested many thousands of dollars to receive are all the same. They all contain the same tired and worn out ideas. There’s nothing uniquely different about them. If you buy one, you’ve bought them all. Many of these programs are either WATERED DOWN versions of the original programs you can get from Dan Kennedy, Bill Glazer, and Jay Abraham (So you might as well spend more money and get a few of the great programs these experts have produced, rather than an entire library of watered down versions of all the copycats who are cheap imitators.) or they are overly complicated nonsense designed to confuse or mislead — so that you will let them do EVERYTHING for you.
But my new $100-MILLION COPYWRITING SYSTEM is radically different!
Sure, the powerful secrets I will give you were HEAVILY INFLUENCED by a handful of the greatest marketers on the planet …. so the foundation of my system may be very familiar to you if you’re already a serious student of experts such as Dan Kennedy, Bill Glazer, and Jay Abraham, etc….
But many of my teachers have been true marketing masters and extremely gifted Direct Response copywriters you have probably never heard of…until now.
Why haven’t you heard about superstar marketing experts and veteran copywriting professionals who have personally helped me discover the hidden secrets that have been worth millions of dollars?
That’s simple. It’s because they are marketers who are using their highly-evolved skills to build and run their own companies. They do not hold marketing seminars and workshops, sell coaching programs, or write books to share their greatest secrets. However, these people have developed many unique strategies that you won’t find anywhere else. I have formed long-term alliances with some of these little-known marketing masters that date back to the late 1980’s and early 1990’s.
But that’s not all. I have also worked very hard to develop my own unique systems and processes for writing powerful ads and sales letters that generate a fortune. As I told you in the beginning of this letter, I have been MORE than a serious student of marketing. I have been…
For many years now marketing is all I have thought about, talked about, and read about. I can barely hold a 5-minute conversation with a non-marketer without becoming bored to tears. But if you are a serious student of any aspect of marketing, I could easily talk to you for five hours … and we would BOTH be more excited than when we started our conversation! There’s nothing more exciting than the subject of Direct Response Marketing – and even more specifically, writing ads and sales letters that pull in money like a powerful magnet!
I promise and guarantee; if you are HALF as serious as I am about marketing and want to make the largest amount of money in the fastest time, then you will love my 23 HOUR Program!
And just in case you don’t love this event, you’ll have
my ‘Better Than Risk-FREE Guarantee’ that pays you
$500.00 cash – just for getting all my greatest secrets:
Guarantee #1 – Send for my $100-MILLION DOLLAR COPYWRITING SYSTEM – discover all my best kept little-known rags-to-riches copywriting secrets. Then if you don’t believe you will make at least 10-times your money back in the first sales letter you write (and roll out after a small test), then let me know and your money will be returned in full – no questions asked.
Guarantee #2 – Take up to one year to prove this works. If you have not made at least 10-times your original investment back in the first letter you write using my methods, then I’ll still give you this same Bold & Fearless Guarantee…. The only thing I will ask you for is to save the material you used to write your first ad or sales letter to prove to me that you really did use my complete 3-step copywriting formula.
So there you have it. With a guarantee like this you have everything to gain and nothing to lose. I have eliminated every excuse you may have for not sending for this Program.
Listen. I held ALL FOUR of my $100-MILLION COPYWRITING WORKSHOPS that are on this Program … to give you the ultimate easy-to-use secrets that can instantly make you more money RIGHT AWAY. There’s NO hidden agenda, NO untested methods that only “sound good.” And, most important, NO confusing and complicated nonsense that will lead you to more frustration. Unlike others, I will NOT try to impress you with my vast knowledge. I will NOT try to show off or convince you of how smart I am. On the contrary, you can expect the exact opposite from me. As you’ll see…
I am the most average person in the world. And if I can
write ads and sales letters that bring in many tens of millions
of dollars (and I have), then you can easily do this, too.
My “averageness” and down to earth style of teaching you the simplest and easiest…
methods possible, that will let you instantly write ads and sales letters that are equal to or even greater than any other freelance copywriter, separates me from all the other experts.
So if you’re looking for NO B.S. shortcut tips, tricks, and strategies that can put large sums of money in your pocket within weeks from now – then send for this powerful program… TODAY. You will plug in the CD’s and get all the tools you need to instantly write ads and sales letters that will bring you more money right away… And this large influx of cash will inspire you like nothing else!
Once you start writing ads and sales letters that make you HUGE sums of money, you’ll be hooked for life! You’ll have the confidence that comes from knowing that you can make all the money you want … anytime you want.
This is the power that all great copywriters have. The first long-form Direct-Mail letter that I wrote in 1990 that made me over one million dollars changed my life forever… The same thing can happen to you.
I’m so sure that this will be perfect for you, that I’m BACKING IT UP with my own money. Remember, if you don’t believe you will make at least 10-times your money back in the first sales letter you write (and roll out after a small test), then let me know and your money will be returned in full – no questions asked. And my Guarantee #2 – lets you take up to one year to prove this works.
How many others are willing to make you a BOLD Guarantee like this? None that I know of… So please hurry…an opportunity to get the ultimate copywriting secrets from an average person who has generated over $100-million in Direct Mail sales has never been available before. But you have one here. I hope you take it.
T.J. Rohleder
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