With integrative journaling or any other similar parts-oriented process, when we connect our here-and-now adult self with an inner child, a neural network in our left brain is actually communicating with a memory Network in our right brain. I call these memory networks sentient memories because they are not just static recordings of the past... they are much more sophisticated than that... we can communicate with them as if they are living subpersonalities that can communicate in real-time.
This is important because when we connect one network with another, we must open up a channel to do that... the channel is actually a new neural pathway connecting one network to the other... the more we use the pathway the stronger those connections become...this is the primary goal therapy and Recovery... it's called integration. that's the process of integrating fragmented parts of self that were previously trapped in the past, with our self-actualizing adult self and that's called healing.
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2: Can I listen offline?
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3: What should I do if I have technical issues?
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