'Saskia teaches Dutch' is een korte podcast. Leer Nederlands op A1 niveau. De steuntaal is Engels.

'Saskia teaches Dutch' is een korte podcast. Leer Nederlands op A1 niveau. De steuntaal is Engels.
Saskia makes a Dutch podcast for everyone who is interested in educating themselves and learning a new language!
Meer informatie op: https://www.facebook.com/saskiateachesdutch/
Een korte podcast met 13 afleveringen.
1: How do I access the audios?
After you register for the audio program, you will be instructed to download the Soundwise mobile app. When you sign in on the app, the program you registered for will automatically load in your library.
2: Can I listen offline?
Yes. Tap on the download icon next to an audio track will download the track to your phone. Simply download the audios when you have wifi and you can listen to them anywhere you go.
3: What should I do if I have technical issues?
Check out common troubleshooting tips here. If the issue is not resolved, please write to support@mysoundwise.com.
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