GOBsmacked is two business veterans Rick Currie & Paul Lange, unfiltered and unrestrained!
Knowledge comes from putting information into action and creating experiences. Patrick Currie & Paul Lange have a wealth of knowledge from collectively more than 70 years in business and more than 110 years in life which the share warts and all.
Patrick & Paul might be described as two grumpy old businessmen. Truth be known they simply don’t suffer stupidity. Ignorance can be educated; stupidity, well that’s just plain stupid!
If you expect to hear euphemisms or politically correct statements you’re in the wrong place. In this new series Patrick & Paul share advice, ideas, contexts, concepts and more.
Do something with them, do nothing with them. It’s your choice and frankly neither of them will lay awake at night regardless of what you do. They will however cheer on and rave about anyone who is creating success for themselves and others, irrespective of where the motivation, inspiration or information comes from that launches people into action. If you have a story to tell, tell us and let’s share your journey too so that others
Whether you agree or disagree with the perspectives shared, engage and let Patrick and Paul know. As the grumpy old businessmen themselvs say, "compliments, critique and even hate mail all provide valuable feedback". Just keep the hate mail to the non-violent kind :-)
This podcast is created from the Live (currently on FB Live) episodes. Remember also to LIKE THE GOBSMACKED PAGE ON FACEBOOK
This podcast does not give business, financial, legal, investment or other professional advice. For full details of our legal disclaimer please visit http://www.paullange.com.au/disclaimer/
He confesses openly that he has also "crashed more companies than the average Gen Y has had jobs, including businesses that should never have been scribbled on the back of a napkin let alone be allowed to get off the napkin".
Paul has had five very successful exits and multiple results he’d call satisfactory. The crash and burns were, like any good R&D, business crash test dummies.
Though his career Paul has discovered several patterns that lead to success and an equal number that lead to failure in business. These patterns are behavioural and are reflected in both the personal and business life of every person. Luckily because their nature is behavioural, such patterns can be changed.
To read more about Paul's journey and what's he's up to right now, visit his website at https://www.paullange.com.au/my-story
He also has a wide range of skill sets gained through employment in completely unrelated areas.
Patrick recently held positions of BDM in the IT industry and is currently an Operations Manager and BDM for a Pharmacy and Compounding Lab.
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