Ascension Accelerator| Sacred Activations with Joy Rachelle

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What is a “Sacred Activation” – Activations are a powerful energy boost to clear out old and lower vibrational memories, thoughts and emotions that are located in the cells of your body, your auric field, and your DNA

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Includes access to these 26 Sacred Activation audios by Joy Rachelle:

1. Lord Metatron : Connects you with Lord Metatron {Archangel Metatron}This activation brings the sacred geometric codes for the tetrahedron into your DNA. This information from the Sixth Plane will activate your 12 strands of DNA and accelerate their evolution to the new, crystalline form. It will increase your awareness of and communication with the higher realms. It will also enable you to navigate Earth’s changes with greater ease and allow you to be in sync with Gaia’s evolution from a third-dimensional to a fifth-dimensional planet.

2. Moses Codes :The Moses Codes repair and activate the energetic lines of your Tree of Life. This rejuvenates the mind and body—recharges cells, improves cognition and memory, and increases energy. With this activation, you will begin to look and feel more vibrant. It will also make it easier for you to focus on your dreams and make them a reality.

3. Avebury / Stonehenge : This increases your healing and intuitive abilities. It allows you to more easily communicate with your Higher Self, guides, angels, and the Creator. It also amplifies clairvoyance and clairaudience, which will make it possible for you to fully comprehend what is taking place in healings.

4. Christ Consciousness Awareness : This heart-healing activation reconnects the two heart chakras and activates your Flower of Life. It plugs you into the unconditional love of the fifth-dimensional grid system, filling you with gratitude and empowering you to create miracles in your life. The Christ Consciousness energy will help to bring you into a state of non-judgment and love for yourself, which will enable you to accept and love others, as well.

5. Super DNA : This upgrades your DNA so that it matches the new generation that is coming onto the planet at this time. Super DNA activates four more codons in human DNA, evolving it into a form that scientists say makes a person 3,000 less likely to get a disease or illness.

6. Mother Earth : This will ground and connect you into the heart of Mother Earth, allowing you to feel her abundant love. It will strengthen your ability to communicate with the natural elements of this wonderful planet, with animals, and with elemental beings, such as fairies. It will allow you to feel the unity of all that exists in our realm. This activation will also help you to be more fully present in your body and to connect to your Higher Self, both of which are essential to manifestation.

7. Mother Mary : This brings you into the fullness of a mother’s love and helps you to release judgments toward others. It clears beliefs that block your ability to love unconditionally. It will increase your awareness of others’ inability to love and give you a clear understanding of who they are, allowing you to have compassion for everyone regardless of their actions. This heart-healing activation will help you to love every human on earth with the love that a mother has for her newborn baby.

8. Family Constellation : This clears your anger, resentment, judgment, guilt, and hatred toward your family members. It will help you to more easily forgive them for hurtful words and actions, and allow you to give and receive familial love.

9. Original Light Language : This activation connects you to the Original Light Language, which is from the highest angels—the seraphim. This energy helps you to be true to yourself and to stay in your power during conflicts with others. It releases you from the trauma of what others are experiencing, allowing you to maintain emotional autonomy—to observe without becoming attached. It also bestows the feeling of being in love with life.

10. Inner Child Reconnection: This reclaims the pieces of your soul that were left in other lifetimes, and heals the traumas that caused this fragmentation. As these scattered parts are called forth, they are cleansed and balanced with love, then reunited with you. This reclamation will allow you to be in your power and live with greater presence in this lifetime.

11. Fruit of Life : This opens and connects your 13 chakras, so they can release emotions and beliefs that cause blockages in energy flow. These stagnant energies can cause physical pain and illness, as well as affect your ability to manifest. Chakras are portals that send and receive information. They are also the entrance for life-force energy. When this energy flows freely throughout your being, you can be in your true power. This activation lights up the Fruit of Life in your Sacred Geometry. It will help to keep you both grounded and connected to your Higher Self. Frequent replays will also boost the effectiveness of other activations.

12. Life’s Grid : This creates a protective grid of light around your body, shielding you from radiation, sound waves, chemical trails, pathogens, and other pollutants that shut down the pineal gland and Kundalini energy. Life’s Grid is also very beneficial for empaths, protecting them from unwanted thoughts and emotions that emanate from other people. This activation will allow you to have greater control over your own energy.

13. Heaven on Earth : This activation releases oaths made, or karma, to suffer for those who came before you. Many empathic people carry the pain for all the murders and wars that have happened throughout history. Heaven on Earth will release you from the collective consciousness of this pain and suffering.

14. Alchemy of the Third Dimension :This activation disconnects you from the fear, suffering, and control of the third dimension and connects you to the unconditional love of the fifth dimension. It will allow you to release illusory belief systems and to perceive the truth through the love of the Christ Consciousness. It will help you to stand in your power and speak your truth.

15. Planetary Alignment : This aligns you with the transformative energies of the planets and releases blockages that prevent smooth transitions. It will help to you to shift with the flow of planetary energies and minimize any upheaval associated with astrological changes. You will be able to manifest more potently during a new moon, and release negative energy more easily during a full moon. You will likely find the unsettling effects of Mercury retrograde to be greatly reduced. This activation will also help you to be in sync with Gaia’s evolution.

16. Bleeding Heart: This activation will give you discernment and boundaries so you can heal yourself without being attached to healing the world. When you give your power away you end up getting sick, as you end up taking on the sorrow and sadness of this reality {seeing children in poverty & wanting to save them and the world}

17. Sacred Power : This releases fears of stepping into your sacred power and becoming the person you are meant to be. It will empower you to express your life force with authenticity and confidence.

18. Are you a Martyr? : This activation releases the belief that other people’s lives and emotions are more important than yours. It will help you to achieve balance in your care of others and yourself. Martyrs put everyone else first. They do not take care of themselves because they are too busy taking care of others. Being a martyr is not healthy for you, your family, friends, or even the environment. It saps your strength and effectiveness, and discourages others from taking responsibility for their own lives.

19. Spiritual Ego Release : The Creator is the healer; we are co-creators that facilitate. A healthy ego is one where you can get out of the way of your ego knowing that Spirit is in charge. This allows you to be the witness, which helps your clients. This activation balances your ego so you don’t feel responsible for the results your clients receive. Their healing is between them and God alone.

20. Addiction Redirection : Addictions arise from feeling a lack of love. This activation restores the instinct and energy to self nurture. It also targets the emotions that cause suffering and helps to heal our perception of experiences that caused those emotions. Addiction can take many forms: substance abuse; eating disorders; material acquisition and hoarding; emotional dramas; or distracting activities. This will help you to release anything you may be using as a substitute for love and nurturing.

21. Anger and Resentment Towards God: Many of us are unaware of the anger and resentment we have towards God. This anger keeps us separate from having faith that God can and will heal us and our clients. Before you partner with God to facilitate healing for your clients you will need to release this belief.

22. Soul Mate : The Soul Mate Activation clears lifetime beliefs, judgments, trauma and betrayal with your soul mates. It opens you to receive the right soul mate free of fear of what the future will be like with him or her. It also clears the collective consciousness, religious beliefs and genetic beliefs about relationships with a soul mate. We have many soul mates and this will allow you to align with the most supportive and nurturing one in this lifetime. This activation can help strengthen your current soul mate relationship. This activation will help draw soul mate clients/members of your soul tribe to your business.

23. Polar Opposite : Polar Opposite allows new pathways of unconditional love to replace the negative pathways in the brain. We’ll focus on those things that are constantly running in the background much like a bad virus that just keeps trying to run over and over, which stops you from achieving clarity and calmness as well as money.

24. Sacred Blueprint : This aligns you with your true self and your purpose in life. It will give you the knowledge of what you are here to do, and the courage to act without fear or delay. This activation lines up your Flower of Life in sacred geometry. It connects you to your divine blueprint and to the heart chakras of Mother Earth and the Central Sun, so you can actualize your mission with clarity and power.

25. Collective Church : This brings you the Creator’s truth about all the churches of the world. It disconnects you from limiting religious constructs, including the beliefs that suffering for God is necessary; that healers must work for free or give all their earnings to the church; that it is forbidden or impossible to communicate directly with God; or that there is only one true religion. This activation removes any oaths, vows, or contracts from past lives as monks or nuns. It also clears any trauma associated with serving the church and will bring you a clearer connection with Creator.

26. Creative Gene Extraordinaire :This supercharges your manifesting ability by disconnecting you from the third-dimensional grid system of fear and suffering, and plugging you into the fifth-dimensional system of unconditional love and abundance. When your creative power is connected to the Christ Consciousness, you can manifest your desires with much greater potency and speed. You can also delete negative aspects of your life much more quickly. This activation will give you the knowledge that you are safe, that you are the creator of your life, and that you have the power to manifest money and other forms of abundance.

I would suggest listening to the first 3 activations- Lord Metatron, Moses Code, and Avebury Stonehenge first then moving on to the ones you would like to listen to after

  • Drink some water, 8 to 12 oz
  • Prepare a place where you can sit or lay down and get comfortable
  • Have everything available to you, glass of water, a blanket to keep you cozy
  • If lying down place a pillow under your knees, this will assist the body in allowing the energy to flow
  • During the activation focus on the FEELING associated with the issue you want to clear
  • If you don’t have a feeling to focus on that is OK too, just sit back, relax, close your eyes and enjoy the energy of the activation

(see disclaimer) After your session: please drink water and relax. DISCLAIMER IT IS RECOMMENDED DO NOT OPERATE A MOTOR VEHICLE for at LEAST a HOUR after listening too. It is okay if you fall asleep, and you can listen to the activation's on low as you fall asleep as the energy will still run. How does it get any better then that?

  • Please note after listening to these activation's you may feel tired, and feel like taking a nap after or you may be full of energy. Everyone experiences them differently. You may notice old feelings etc. will come to the surface, right away or after a few days when the old stuff comes up that you may have thought you dealt with already, please know it is showing up for the LAST time, and will not feel like this anymore. There will be a void, like it wasn't there {no sadness, nothing, the memory will be there still but the effect of the memory will not be there} release of anger/resentment can experience mild cold/flu symptoms.
  • The activation's don't stop running.. they keep on running until it is fully integrated.... the more you listen to the activations the easier it will be to integrate, so please listen to them over and over again. Most I would recommend is listening to them once or twice a week/ a maximum of 4 a day. You can choose to listen to them for a month or two or whenever something comes up - it is totally up to you :)
  • Note an activation can take from a week to 3 months or 6 months or even a year to fully integrate- the more you listen to them the more they can integrate quickly

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All content and services provided by Joy Rachelle (Joy Rachelle Enterprises Inc.) are subject to your interpretation. None of the content on is to be used as or in place of professional medical advice.


Sacred Activations are an ascension modality that assists with the earth's consciousness evolution process.
Ascension is transforming the body you have into a body that will take in more light and higher vibrations of energy.
Activations are a powerful healing energy that works to clear out old and lower vibrational memories, thoughts and emotions that are located in the cells of your body, auric field, and DNA.


Joy Rachelle
JOY RACHELLE (Ry-al) is a leading pioneer in the field of channeling, multidimensional quantum entanglement and cosmic gateway facilitator.

Leading Transformational Healer, Teacher, Activator, Lemurian Priestess and channel for the Inner Earth people and Intergalactic Star beings.

She is here to break old paradigms holding spiritual entrepreneurs in fear unable to create the global impact they desire.

Through her channeled work with the Inner Earth people and various Intergalactic Star Beings to awaken others to the same connection for consciousness expansion and planetary healing.

She uses her vocal technologies to awaken spiritual entrepreneurs to their own signature genius that is for them to deliver to the planet for the highest good of the Universe. This enables them to be unique, rare and cataclysmic experts to work with.

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2: Can I listen offline?

Yes. Tap on the download icon next to an audio track will download the track to your phone. Simply download the audios when you have wifi and you can listen to them anywhere you go.

3: What should I do if I have technical issues?

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