PRESTONCREST - with Gordon Dabbs

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Bible-based preaching to help you grow as a disciple and experience the power and presence of Jesus Christ in your daily life. Messages that come from weekend services of the Prestoncrest Church of Christ in Dallas, Texas. “Upbeat Party ” by

Welcome to the weekly podcast of the Prestoncrest Church of Christ in Dallas, Texas. To learn more visit our website at .

We are a church consumed with Passion for God, and Compassion for People. So, we help disciples of Christ Reach Up, Reach In, and Reach Out.

Reach Up

Since Jesus taught that the most important principle from Scripture is to love God with all that we are, we make Passion for God our top priority by reaching up. Worship for the living God is our starting point as a community of faith. We are saved by his grace, led by his Son and transformed by his Spirit. God is our fuel. Everything else that we do comes through his love and power.

Reach In

Loving our neighbor starts in the body of Christ – the Church. Our Compassion for People begins as we love and serve our brothers and sisters. We reach in when we build relationships and community in our church family and care for those who worship God with us.

Reach Out

Another kind of neighbor does not know God and so our compassion also extends beyond Prestoncrest’s physical walls. Whether it’s across the street or around the world, we seek to compassionately share the love of Jesus with every person.  Every heart filled with Christ is a missionary. Every heart without Christ is a mission field.


Mature as a disciple of Jesus.
Grow your faith.
Live on mission.
Understand the Scriptures.


Gordon Dabbs, Ph.D.
Gordon Dabbs has served as the Preaching Minister of the Prestoncrest Church of Christ in Dallas since 2009. Previously, Gordon and his wife Ila served as church planters in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

He authored the book Epic Fail – Learning from Failures of Biblical Proportion. Gordon holds a Ph.D. in philosophy from the University of Oklahoma as well as advanced degrees in Ethics and in Bible Interpretation.


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