Let's Humanize The Workplace

Activating Courageous Conversations To Maximize Business Impact

Activating Courageous Conversations  To Maximize Business Impact
Let's Humanize The Workplace
Activating Courageous Conversations To Maximize Business Impact

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During this episode of Let's Humanize The Workplace, Vivian Acquah CDE® and Mary Jane Roy are set to ignite a thought-provoking conversation on the power and necessity of having courageous conversations in professional environments. As experts in fostering inclusive and empowering workplaces, they will delve into strategies that not only facilitate meaningful dialogue but also maximize individual impact within any organization. This session promises to be an enlightening exploration of how open, honest communication can serve as a catalyst for personal growth and collective success. Join Vivian and Mary Jane as they unravel the art of engaging in conversations that challenge, inspire, and drive change. Host Vivian Acquah CDE® As a DEI consultant / Certified Diversity Executive (CDE®), Vivian Acquah advises managers on how to keep their team members engaged, energized, and safe in a sustainable manner. Vivian Acquah is making topics related to workplace wellness & DEI accessible to everyone. She provides people with the right tools at the right time to embrace inclusive changes. Vivian motivates people to think consciously and inspires them to take action. Co-host Mary Jane Roy Mary Jane Roy is an advisor, facilitator & presenter building healthy stress & resilience skills & strategies for employee staying power. Mary Jane shares seriously practical but fun, science-based tips, tools, knowledge & strategies so your organization can flourish. #Diversity #Inclusion #Leadership #CourageousConversations #HighPerformance