Ascension Frequency Sounds - Ignite Your Divine Spark

Liquid Light Healing - The Ultimate Bioregenesis

Liquid Light Healing - The Ultimate Bioregenesis
Ascension Frequency Sounds - Ignite Your Divine Spark
Liquid Light Healing - The Ultimate Bioregenesis

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A meditation can only be successful in healing and alignment when the frequencies needed for the healing and alignment are felt. The frequencies must be felt in a way that allows them to resonate inside the crystal cells in the body

You must first know what the healing FEEL Like. When you feel the Frequencies, you can be sure that the Consciousness is connected into the angular rotation of particle spin of each element of light and sound needed for the meditation to become effective. Each element involved in any meditation is an Entity of Light. 

If you want to use the frequencies specifically for healing any part of the body, you should focus on feeling and absorbing those frequencies into the cells that seem to be tired or damaged. See each cell at its most etheric point. That is the spark of Source at the crystal heart of the atom. That is the Omni particle that Source Forms into the Idea of HIS IMMORTAL CREATIONS

We must begin to create from the mind of God from the Highest Frequency. That frequency is in the very heart of each cell in your body. The Individual Immortality Frequencies are those frequencies from inside that point within you. They are the frequencies that begin the transformation of your body from the white light, the Omni particle, the immortal DNA strand.


Conscious listening steps:

1. Get a clear picture and feeling from your heart of your desired healing outcome 

2. Be ready to release everything that is blocking or stopping you from experiencing it

3. Empty your mind, let go of how and when your healing should manifest

4. Listen to the Ascension Frequency Sounds and while listening … 

5. take the picture of what you are desiring. Add the symbol (from the "Notes" section) or your own

6. hold this symbol in your mid-brain area over and over again (inside your mid-brain where the pineal gland is located). Send it then into every cell of your body and partika of your being. 

7. feel the emotions of bliss, excitement, and gratitude in your heart because you KNOW that in the Mind of God, there is only perfection of your healing. 

8. Connect with your entire being to the ascension frequency sounds, vision, symbols, and feelings while listening

9. Relisten to the whole track or parts of it whenever you feel pulled to. Anchor and seal yourself in your Inner God Self. 

10. Always remember that healing is a creative, blissful, and easy process

11. Trust your heart and intuition when it comes to taking the next step to manifest your perfect divine body 

12. And always remember... You Are Meant For Greatness