In genetics, the term Junk DNA refers to regions of DNA that are non-coding which make up around 98 percent and are seen as useless. 

However, from the spiritual perspective, there is no useless DNA. All these so-called “Junk DNA” are dormant pieces of information that could not awaken (till now) because of blockages, distortions, or unnatural seals in the Earth and human DNA as a result of the degradation of genetic material and energetic downgrades caused by fallen negative beings. 

This Ultimate DNA Healing Frequency Sounds heal the reversals and distortions in your DNA through full activation, integration and embodiment. Due to current global spiritual events, our spiritual DNA is ready to get restored to its original divine 12-strand (and even higher) blueprint.

According to Morphogenetic Science, the original human DNA is designed with a 12-strand double helix energetic DNA blueprint. What this means is that each human with a 12-strand template has the potential to embody 12 dimensions of consciousness (or even beyond). 

This would be the natural process of spiritual evolution:

1. You would be born with a 12-strand DNA template. 3 of those strands would be activated at birth which means you could embody 3 dimensions of consciousness. Physical, Emotional, and Mental Bodies. This is also known as your ego identity; this is where most humans are at in terms of their spiritual development. 

2. From age 12 until 22, you would activate strands 4, 5, and 6 naturally by absorbing light into your morphogenetic field through the organic energetic grid lines of the earth (if not distorted as we have had). Once you activate strand 6, you are a fully embodied Soul Identity. You are living completely IN LINE with your mission and make all of your free will choices in line with Source-will. 

3. From age 22 until 33, you would activate strands 7, 8, and 9 and embody your Oversoul spiritual identity. Your consciousness expands even more as you are activating more fire letters (spiritual twin of your DNA) to become AT-ONE-WITH Source/God. 

4. From age 33 until 44, you would activate strands 10, 11, and 12 and embody your Christos Avatar Self spiritual identity. At this point, you are a walking Avatar (Ascended Master) on Earth and can de-manifest your physical body and turn it into light (conscious ascension). 

So this is how the original DNA is supposed to work and also completely explains the basic process of spiritual evolution. Spiritual evolution does not happen without DNA activation. It's time now to reclaim your original divine DNA blueprint.


Conscious listening steps:

1. Connect your consciousness to perfectly activated, healed and integrated DNA

2. Be ready to release everything that is blocking or stopping you from fully healing your DNA

3. Empty your mind, let go of how and what should happen during this healing 

4. Listen to the Ascension Frequency Sounds and while listening … 

5. have the image of a perfect divine DNA pictured in your mind ("Notes" section)

6. hold this symbol in your mid-brain area over and over again (inside your mid-brain where the pineal gland is located) 

7. command the following: “I command the full and permanent healing and restoration of my 12-strand DNA to be completely embodied within me in divine right order."

8. Connect with your entire being to the Ascension Frequency Sounds, symbols, and feelings while listening

9. Relisten to the whole track or parts of it whenever you feel pulled to. Anchor and seal yourself in your Inner God Self

10. Always remember to have fun with your ascension and enjoy life. 

11. Trust your heart and intuition when it comes to taking the next step to get your DNA fully healed 

12. And always remember... You Are Meant For Greatness