Salt The Podcast

S01 E19 Personal Narratives and the Syrian Revolution

S01 E19 Personal Narratives and the Syrian Revolution
Salt The Podcast
S01 E19 Personal Narratives and the Syrian Revolution

Hayma Alyousfi is a Syrian feminist, human rights defender and political activist. She is part of the Syrian revolution but had to leave the country in 2014. However, she continues to fight for radical justice in Syria from abroad and is an active member of the civil society since 2012. 

In this episode we talk about feminism, activism, books and the feminist killjoy, but above all about the Syrian revolution and the importance of personal narratives in times of war and conflict. Personal stories that need to be collected to protect them from deliberate erasure by the oppressor. This episode is about: keeping narratives alive, using personal stories as resistance, changing the center of knowledge production and breaking hegemonic discourses. 

Host: Stella Saliari 

At Salt The Podcast my guests and I contest and deconstruct narratives, and passionately recreate with the aim to change systems and perceptions. We want to elevate a generation that is feminist, antiracist and empathetic. Our conversations flow into each other and leave room for the unexpected. Salt is love, community, solidarity, a collective, healing, creating. It is intersectional, full of stories, movement and change. It insists, evolves and transforms. It is a commitment because as Kimberlé Crenshaw says “women come from a whole range of backgrounds. If our visions of peace don’t include these differences, then our peace will be partial.’’

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