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Managing Wealth In Divorce Cases - with NYC Family Lawyer Andrea Friedman of

Managing Wealth In Divorce Cases - with NYC Family Lawyer Andrea Friedman of
Ask Catholics
Managing Wealth In Divorce Cases - with NYC Family Lawyer Andrea Friedman of

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Understanding the full asset picture is key in high-net-worth divorces. How assets align impacts support after divorce. but it gives you a generic understanding of what could be involved. That all falls under the umbrella of. We need to resolve this as part of the money in order to get you divorced. Makes sense when you're handling a high net worth or even with a high profile divorce case.""" require but for whatever reason they didn't save a lot during the marriage. So how is the support going to be factored in at the end of the case versus someone who saved a tremendous amount And maybe there's a lot of retirement money or there's a lot in savings that will get divided up. And so there's less of a concern for how each of them will support themselves going forward. So that's just one example Because different situations you know Generate trending hashtags for a tweet about the following moment from the video. """So it's important to understand the totality of all the assets in each one and then to see how they fit together as I said earlier a different analysis. You could have someone who makes very large salary right