The Jim Galiano Show: Help for Freelancers & Solo Entrepreneurs
How AI Has Changed My Business - 10 Months Later

The Jim Galiano Show: Help for Freelancers & Solo Entrepreneurs
How AI Has Changed My Business - 10 Months Later
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In today’s podcast episode, I’d like to share with you how AI has changed my business over the past 10 months. We may be living in a time where the economy is, at best, uncertain. But windows of opportunity remain open, nonetheless.
In my experience, the B2B world has been hotter than it has in many years in 2023. Couple that with the fact that AI has enabled solopreneurs and freelancers to produce the kind of results only possible for teams of people and what do you have? You have opportunities.
Do the math. When a four-person project becomes a one-person project who can do the job at a better price – what do you have? You have opportunities.
That and more in today’s episode.