Suds & Search | Interviews With Today's Search Marketing Experts

🍺🔍 Suds & Search 171 - Kelvin Newman, founder of BrightonSEO

🍺🔍 Suds & Search 171 - Kelvin Newman, founder of BrightonSEO
Suds & Search | Interviews With Today's Search Marketing Experts
🍺🔍 Suds & Search 171 - Kelvin Newman, founder of BrightonSEO

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My guest on this week’s episode of Suds & Search is Kelvin Newman, Founder of BrightonSEO. Kelvin started Brighton with just a few people getting together in a pub back in 2010. Today, it is the biggest search marketing event in Europe with over 3,500 attendees. The number of attendees and the massive growth only tell some of the story. BrightonSEO is adored by attendees, exhibitors, and speakers. I cannot think of another conference where people are this loyal and this vocal in the support. Kelvin joined me to make a big announcement. For the first time, BrightonSEO is hosting a conference in the United States. What happened behind the scenes to bring Brighton to the US? What made Kelvin confident that now was the time to start an American conference? What's going to be different about this conference and what’s going to be the same? I’m going to ask Kelvin these questions and many more. Grab something cold to drink and join me for a conversation with Kelvin Newman. We’ll chat about his approach to speaker selection, we’ll talk about ballot tickets aka free tickets, and we’ll spend a little time chatting about t-shirt cannons and conference cars. Catch SearchLab on these platforms: