Create Your Online Newsletter Using MailPoet and WordPress

Would publishing a monthly newsletter help you grow your business in 2023? Absolutely! Especially if you’re a “solo brand.” There are more reasons, at least in my own mind, to publish a newsletter than not. Entrepreneurs and marketers have been using newsletters since the days of Benjamin Franklin to establish themselves as a trusted authority.
Consider the big picture - publishing a monthly newsletter creates direct communication with your audience. Whether it’s monthly, biweekly, or weekly, it’s a great way to share insight, ideas, and expertise around a topic.
If you're just getting started MailPoet and WordPress stand out as a winning combination for creating and managing that kind of newsletter – with zero hassles. In today's episode, I’d like to talk about the seamless integration of MailPoet with WordPress. With these two well-established, well-supported tools – you can launch and maintain a newsletter quickly and easily.
That and more in today's episode!