Just about every businessperson today is familiar with sales funnels. At the very least they’ve heard the term. Sales funnels are arguably the most popular business growth strategy that’s out there today. You can break the sales funnel strategy down into four steps. First, you have to get more traffic to your website/offers. That’s the first objective. There are many ways to do this – both free and paid. Second, you need to convert more of this traffic into subscribers, customers, and cash. Improving your sales copy and crafting a more compelling offer are the first two things that come to mind here. Third, you need the customers acquired in step two to become loyal, repeat buyers. In other words, customers for life. And fourth, you need to create ongoing offers that put more money in your pocket for every sale you make. For example, upsells and additional offers. Keep in mind, this is just one strategy. We'll look at the big picture in today's episode.