In today’s episode, I’d like to talk about email marketing for “everyone else.” There are many different approaches to email marketing. Like the old saying in boxing, “Styles make fights.” The same principle applies to marketing. Some “styles” however, happen to be a lot more complex than others. Overall, I think email marketing has been made unnecessarily difficult for the average business person. Over the past twenty-plus years, I’ve never seen more business owners stumble over and struggle with a topic, strategy, or activity as I’ve seen with email marketing. I’ve seen every type of issue from – paralysis by analysis (or people overwhelmed by too many options) to the opposite side of the spectrum with people staring at a blank screen not knowing what to say. Thankfully, email marketing doesn’t have to be complex to be effective. If you’re ready to get started with email marketing to connect with your market and build your brand, I think you’ll enjoy today’s episode!