Tascha Labs Podcast | Crypto Investment through Macro Lens | Web3 | Blockchain

How web3 helps this company to get 100 million users | Anton Derlyatka & Oleg Fomenko of Sweatcoin

How web3 helps this company to get 100 million users | Anton Derlyatka & Oleg Fomenko of Sweatcoin
Tascha Labs Podcast | Crypto Investment through Macro Lens | Web3 | Blockchain
How web3 helps this company to get 100 million users | Anton Derlyatka & Oleg Fomenko of Sweatcoin

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A common criticism of current web3 landscape is a lack of “real world” use cases and successful applications beyond ponzi-nomic vaporware. That’s why on today’s Tascha Labs podcast I’m super excited to chat with founders of Sweatcoin— a consumer company that has leveraged a web3 business model to get to 100 million+ users and continues to grow. If you’re a web3 founder, this is a must listen as we go through every aspect of getting Sweatcoin off the ground, from tokenomics to growth strategy to common pitfalls of crypto projects. If you’re an investor, this conversation will inspire you as to what’s possible and what’s yet to come in the web3 economy. Also check out the 7 lessons from Sweatcoin on how to use tokenization to drive growth. https://taschalabs.com/how-to-use-tokenization-for-business-growth-7-lessons-from-a-successful-project/ Enjoy! Subscribe to my free newsletter to help you get smarter about web3 https://taschalabs.com/newsletter/