Narcissistic Abuse Recovery with Angie Atkinson

When the Narcissist Hits Rock Bottom

When the Narcissist Hits Rock Bottom
Narcissistic Abuse Recovery with Angie Atkinson
When the Narcissist Hits Rock Bottom

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When the Narcissist Hits Rock Bottom - Narcissists hit rock bottom when they are able to no longer manipulate, exploit and abuse others. Unfortunately, it is more often than not, later rather than sooner. It can take many years of abuse before they hit rock bottom. Narcissists crave power and control. They like people to be weak and malleable so that they can control them easily. The narcissist derives pleasure from those around them who do their bidding, and who are happy to take in their emotional garbage. So the moment any source of narcissistic supply refuses to comply with their wishes or orders, the narcissist has lost control of that person and therefore has no influence over them anymore. When the narcissist finally realizes that their abusive behavior will not be tolerated any longer, that what they have done has gotten out of control, or that they're about to lose everything?  Unfortunately, it can be one of the most dangerous times for you. Because a narcissist who has hit rock bottom may feel as though they have nothing left to lose. They don't even have the narcissistic supply they need to function - so their desperation can lead them to lash out. The narcissist eventually hits rock bottom and they feel unbearable sadness, grief, or remorse because they can't continue the way they are going anymore. In order to keep this grief or pain at bay, they do one of two things If you're currently involved with a narcissist or are about to get involved with one - you'll want to hear this. Discover. Understand. Overcome. It's how smart people change their lives! Subscribe to my channel: **NEW!! Become a member of my channel! **Never miss a live session! Just text "AngieLive" (no spaces) to 33222 and I'll send you a text each time I get ready to go live! Schedule a coaching appointment with me at or Start your healing at Take your life to the next level at Get my books at, pick up your free 7-day fear-busting email course (specially designed for narcissistic relationship survivors) at Join SPAN (Support for People Affected by Narcissism in toxic relationships) - AKA "The SPANily" - at Let's Also Connect On: Facebook at Instagram: Tiktok: Pinterest: Twitter: