Local Marketing Agency Secrets

Double Your Agency Live Event Recap With Drew Griffin & David Calafiore

Double Your Agency Live Event Recap With Drew Griffin & David Calafiore
Local Marketing Agency Secrets
Double Your Agency Live Event Recap With Drew Griffin & David Calafiore

Join us as we recap our key takeaways from the recent Jeff Herschy "Double Your Agency" live mastermind event in Scottsdale AZ.

5 Powerful Quotes from this episode

[06:09] “You just need to get out there in front of people in your community, and demonstrate your knowledge. And only good things happen from that when you can get up on a stage or you know, give a presentation and demonstrate your knowledge and show how you can actually help local businesses by actually helping them really good things happen.”

[13:13] “You can't make a living or scale an agency by providing custom services to local businesses, it just doesn't work. In the end, if you're somebody who maybe is just running something as a hobby, or doing this part-time, maybe you can make some extra cash, providing customized marketing services to smaller local businesses.”

[26:05] “The big key is to have automation running in your business in the background. So you can spend your day-to-day working on revenue-generating activities in your business and have this other automation and systems running in the background working for you 24 hours a day.”

[28:01] “You've got to find a way to sell services to local businesses that benefit those businesses, but also allow you to scale.”

[32:57] “If you and your agency are having trouble selling these high-cost, personalized marketing services to local businesses, stop doing it. Don't do that anymore. It's not working, try something else. So that's the key to you know, don't be afraid to be nimble.”