Mik Tek Studios Podcast

[PODCAST] Ep 20: Update 2019. What You Need To Know.

[PODCAST] Ep 20: Update 2019. What You Need To Know.
Mik Tek Studios Podcast
[PODCAST] Ep 20: Update 2019. What You Need To Know.

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Massive #Data loss, #Greetingcard announcements, new #podcast series, #Recruitamentary updates and content - not to mention #hackintoshes, (dont say that we’re gonna get sued!) here we go - the highlights and the ...lowlights of 2018, in February! Highlighting changes and announcing some exciting new directions and opportunities for this upcoming year, with new content, mediums, products and experiences. Definitely an update that you rather not be left in the dark about for sure. “Don’t say that we’re gonna get sued!” On iTunes! Subscribe! http://l.miktek.tv/miktekstudios-itunes Follow us on social media! YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/miktekstudios Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/miktekstudios Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/miktekstudios Instagram http://www.instagram.com/miktekstudios Questions? Comments? Ideas? Cookies? Email us! go@miktek.tv Follow and connect with Recruitamentary on social media! YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/recruitamentary Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/recruitamentary Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/recruitamentary Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/recruitamentary Questions? Comments? Ideas? Want to be a guest on the show? Email us! ask@recruitamentary.com