Life Enlightened: The Podcast

Introduction to Life Enlightened including Energy Healing for people on their healing journeys.

Introduction to Life Enlightened including Energy Healing for people on their healing journeys.
Life Enlightened: The Podcast
Introduction to Life Enlightened including Energy Healing for people on their healing journeys.

Hello and welcome to the Life Enlightened Podcast - Thank you for being here, I am so excited to share this with you.

The intention of this podcast is to inspire, empower and educate people about natural, holistic and spiritual ways to heal themselves, to know and love their authentic selves and to create a life that they desire.

The podcast will include teachings, energy healings, channellings and conversations with other people who are on their self-empowerment, spiritual and holistic healing journeys also.

I was guided and inspired to create this podcast after being on my own healing journey back to knowing and loving my whole self for the last 20 years. There have been many times that I have felt alone, lost, frustrated and overwhelmed. I’ve read hundreds of books in the Self-Development, Holistic Healing and Spiritual genre which i'm sure have helped me massively but it can be time-consuming and overwhelming when you just don't know where to start and you need help right now. When I heard other people sharing their healing experiences and telling their stories of how they have overcome their challenges first hand it felt so much more real and empowering to me and inspired me with the knolwledge that if someone else can do it, then so can I.

And this is why I have been guided and inspired to create an online resource of real people sharing real experiences of what they have been through and how they have helped themselves grow, heal and feel better holistically with the hope and trust that people feeling lonely, lost, frustrated and overwhelmed will find the help and inspiration that they need on their own journeys.

You can subscribe here on Youtube or via this link