Pivot! A Vegan Business Interview Series

Ep. 40: Interview with Ducan Burns, VeggiDome

Ep. 40: Interview with Ducan Burns, VeggiDome
Pivot! A Vegan Business Interview Series
Ep. 40: Interview with Ducan Burns, VeggiDome

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Meet Our Guest:

The VeggiDome keeps vegetables fresh out on your table throughout the week. This new category of food display introduces a unique way to keep healthy plant-based food available. A unique change for the modern kitchen.

VeggiDome is no longer able to sell the VeggiDome at festivals, Home and Garden shows, and VegFests because they were all canceled. Now they show and sell them online exclusively and through word-of-mouth


IG: https://www.instagram.com/veggidome

FB: https://www.facebook.com/veggidomel

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Veggidome


Website: https://veggidome.com/

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