The Audio Creator School

How Joyce Laszloffy Sold 4,300 Audiobooks In Three Months

How Joyce Laszloffy Sold 4,300 Audiobooks In Three Months
The Audio Creator School
How Joyce Laszloffy Sold 4,300 Audiobooks In Three Months

Joyce is a nutrition coach, self-proclaimed “recovered sugar addict,” and as of recently, a best-selling audiobook author. In the first year of launching her I Kicked Sugar course, Joyce sold about 80 eBook PDF downloads. But, after converting the same content to audio, she sold 4,300 audiobooks in just three months. Soundwise made it easy for her to deliver and scale the course, which, in Joyce’s words, was “selling like hotcakes because people love audio.” What’s even more incredible is that she did it almost all on her own.

Wondering how you, too, can sell your audiobooks online? We spoke to Joyce recently to learn more about why she chose Soundwise, how she used Facebook Ads to market her audiobook, and her secret formula behind selling over 4,000 audiobooks online in three short months.