Reason To Panic ™

Episode 10: Zombies Among Us

Episode 10: Zombies Among Us
Reason To Panic ™
Episode 10: Zombies Among Us

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They are idolized in pop culture ...

... from Michael Jackson to Brad Pitt. Everyone loves zombies.

What's not to like? They are creepy, they feed on the gray matter of living humans, their body parts are falling off ... They're also a universally accepted part of Halloween, at least in the United States. It's one thing to dress up like one, to watch one on TV, to joke about your great-uncle Bart at family reunions; but what if zombies existed among us?

Would they still be an accepted symbol for millions or weirdos at a Rob Zombie concert?

We at Reason to Panic don't think so.

In fact, we'd wager a large amount of monopoly money that Zombies would be looked at in a much different light than they are now, and we have some news for you.

Zombies do exist.

And for this special Halloween episode, we're going to tell you where they are and why you need to panic, like right now.

Listen to the episode and find out the truth about Uncle Bart.