Reason To Panic ™

Episode 11: Man's Best Friend?

Episode 11: Man's Best Friend?
Reason To Panic ™
Episode 11: Man's Best Friend?

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It was just a normal onset of the flu for Mr. Manteufel ...

... until he started getting delirious. Then came the bruises, They started off small, and barely noticeable, but it didn't take long for the bruising to spread all over the poor man's body. If he'd been in his right mind, which he wasn't because of an elevated fever, he would have been seriously concerned.

His wife, however, was extremely concerned, and she did what a loving, caring spouse would do in a situation where her significant other looked like he'd been on the wrong side of the baseball bat in a home-run hitting contest.

She took him to the hospital.

And it's a good thing she did. She saved his life ... but she couldn't save all of him. Amputations came, but to hear what limbs the unfortunate lost, you'll need to listen to the episode.

The doctors questioned his wife about her husband's actions and behavior before he got sick, but they couldn't find anything out of the ordinary. He was a relatively healthy man, with no warning signs at all.

In the end, they could only pin it on one thing, and this is probably going to surprise you.

Mr. Manteufel liked dogs.