Reason To Panic ™

Episode 9: A Hospital Attack of Horrible Implications

Episode 9: A Hospital Attack of Horrible Implications
Reason To Panic ™
Episode 9: A Hospital Attack of Horrible Implications

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It was supposed to be a regular weeked ...

... and then their computer systems tanked.

Cyberattacks are for real, and they are increasing at nearly 400%, and that's just cyberattacks on our government. The alarming frequency of these attacks, and the impact they have on the public at large are scary.

So scary, we actually got our first 10 on the panic scale.

Imagine, being able to control the fate of hundreds, or even thousands, of lives with the push of a single button. That's what we have going on here.

Just ask Universal Health Services--a hospital chain with 400 locations in the United States how scary that could be.

The only question that remains is this:

Should you panic?

Listen to the episode to find out.

Show notes:

Source Article:
Music: Wait for Me by Jeff II