Reason To Panic ™

Episode 8: Used Condoms--A Lot of Them

Episode 8: Used Condoms--A Lot of Them
Reason To Panic ™
Episode 8: Used Condoms--A Lot of Them

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Contraception is a part of life for billions of people ...

... but not every method is as good as the next.

Take condoms, for example. When someone purchases condoms, there are lots of assumptions associated with them--things you don't think about.

First, you'll probably assume the condom has no holes. Second, that the condom is clean and safe to use. Third, you'll probably assume that the device has never been used. After all, aren't condoms marketed as a "one-time thing?"

Well, you'll have to change those assumptions after what we discovered.

Someone is selling used condoms ...

... and even more people, and we're going to assume they're doing it unknowingly, are buying them.

Listen to today's podcast for all the disgusting details.